Author Topic: Re: Computer crash - again!  (Read 9768 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2009, 11:19:18 PM »
Must get one of them new fangled lawnmowers  ;D (sometime)
Meanwhile, I can justify eating lots of biccies and anything I fancy with all those calories I burn off a-pushin.

Did you abort the backup, or did Nero?
What storage device were you backing up to?

Offline bossgard

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2009, 12:22:09 AM »
My 'D' drive, which is DVD+/-RW, SONY 18X DUAL LAYER. Q: The DVD's I'm using are labeled Memorex DVD+R DL, 2.4 to 8x, 240 min, 8.5 GB. Are they the correct ones for me to use in this Sony drive? They are the only thing I can find anywhere, I've searched other manufacturers sites and that's all ithe DVD DL I can find. Sony gives me no info for that drive as to what to use as disks!

The Nero software aborted the program in both the Drive and the File backup. The last message in the Log was something about aborting in 'Dual Layer 8X.' But don't quote me on that. I haven't tried going back ito try again. Will make notes when I do.

Thanks . . . that sun out there sure feels good on this old body!

- Toby

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2009, 09:38:09 AM »
I think the problem is that you are using are DVD-R DL.
Normally you would use Nero (CD/DVD writing) software to drag data from your hard disc onto the DVD, and burn the DVD.
With DVD-R you normally write to them once and the DVD cant be written to again.

Perhaps that Nero software you were using didnt expect to have to burn a DVD in the process it was running.
It probably expected to be writing to an External drive or a Flash.

I would recommend you use an External drive or a Flash disc, Toby. You can get one that will take 8gb.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2009, 10:00:18 AM »
It's also possible, Toby and George, that the CD/DVD has to be formatted to do drag and drop operations.  If they hadn't been formatted, Nero had probably detected that and wasn't happy about it.

The software I use asks for CD's/DVD's to be formatted first.


Offline bossgard

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2009, 05:01:56 PM »
George, Laurie and Others:

Thanks for the help!

I do have a Western Digital Media Center and External Hard Drive that I think has enuf capacity, that I can install (I think) to this computer. It is connented via USB. I have the software for the Western Digital and the manual printed out and it does have backup and recover program(s). They used it in my former business. It looks like I might be able to use it, and forget about the Nero.

Let me play with this backiup stuff for alittle while, I may not get back soon to you, but I'm not giving up!!

I have a busy day planned for today. Between the Chiltern Seeds and the US Ed Hume seeds, I have lots of little seedlings on my hands. I've got to get the new label stock ready for outside weather testing, I'm building a PVC pipe seed-growing rack to hold the trays, and I've got to print out new labels and apply those to pot-stics for the US flower seeds which I haven't started yet. And keep my SANITY.

Nero is supposed to have a Forum which I have access to, which I haven't visited yet, which may have some help, too.

- Toby


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2009, 05:07:48 PM »
I've found a reference in my backup software Help files regarding backing up with Nero using CD's/DVD's, which may explain the error messages you were getting Toby.

It states that "most versions of NERO are supplied with a module named "InCD" which provide the direct write support.  "InCD" requires that you use CD-RW, DVD+RW or DVD-RW disks only."
It also goes on to say that "When you start your computer, InCD starts automatically. There is no link to InCD in the Programs folder. The InCD icon appears in the system tray, which is usually in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. The InCD icon shows information about the CD, which is currently in the drive, or about the drive itself. You must format unformatted discs before you can use them with InCD."

I don't know if Nero BackItUp 4 has this InCD feature, but it's worth checking.

As you have said that you were using CD-R disks when you had these problems, then that confirms what George was saying also.

The backup software I am currently using is Eazy Backup 4

Anyway, we'll wait to see how you get on with your alternative method.


Offline bossgard

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2009, 10:20:30 PM »

Well, I think I made it, but with some difficulty:

First of all, the package of Memorex DVD-DLs that I was first using evidently were contaminated, I got messages on most of them, and will discard all of them because of that. They are expensive, too, that?s 15 of them thrown away. I opened another pack and used them with no trouble, so it was evidently not the DVD-DL drive itself. 

I stopped using the Nero BackItUp 4, feeling that it was not the best back up program for me to use. I didn?t think it too user-friendly, and their online help was considerably lacking. Particularly with their Help Forum, which even though I clicked on US, only several of the postings were in English, one was in Spanish, and the majority was in German. You figure it, I can?t. Nero did indicate that their Website was entirely new, and was being worked on, but it does show.

I said earlier in this thread, that I stopped using Roxio because all they had available were Suites. I was wrong, and installed Roxio?s BackOnTrack. It took a while to work my way through it, but I think I finally made it. The Recovery Set consists of a DVD-DL Recovery disc, and two DVD-DL discs in the Drive Backup. The File Backup is one DVD-DL disc at 37MB. Does that sound about right? On both the File and Drive Backups, I got the message that they were completed successfully. While the File Backup didn?t take very long, the Recovery Set took over an hour.

How do I tell if they are really successful and that and all my files are included?

- Toby