It works!
Jessie and I had a very nice session on Skype a few minutes ago! It was really nice to speak to you face to face Jessie.
I pointed my webcam out the window to show her Jessie the surroundings - not many flowers in view in the garden on this occasion!
Its raining here and surprisingly (to me) it was raining in Singapore. Jessie explained that its the rainy season there.
Thanks for attempting to teach me some Chinese, Jessie. I made a very poor attempt to say How are you and Good Morning but at least it was a start.
The sound was a bit muffled, Jessie, so I apologise for asking you to repeat yourself at times. The Video was perfect, however.
During the session, Jessie took a telephone call and as she explained to me later, communicated in Mandarin Chinese.
Don't worry if there was any secrets discussed Jessie - they are safe with me

How wonderful for you to be multilingual Jessie!
Skype is fantastic technology!