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Online Palustris

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File sorting
« on: February 17, 2009, 03:21:58 PM »
Not sure if this is the right place.
I have a Folder full of pictures. Try as I might I cannot get them sorted ( IdeasGenie GA030) so that they appear in the same order in there as they are on my machine. It inisists on going 1,11....2,20......3, 30 and so on.
Even worse, the only program I have which allows me to renumber say as 001,002,003 etc puts them up in even more a muddled order.
Anyone know how I can renumber them all batch wise rather than individually?

Even more frustrating is that in GA030 I have been trying to create a Garden tour using these pics. Half of them have gone in to one of my names and the other half into my other name.
How can I stop the program from automatically starting on  Twiggy Katz when I am trying to create aset under Palustris Katz? Only way I can see would be to remove one of my aliases altogether! I have a few folders of pics associated with both so I would rather not have to do them again!

Online ideasguy

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Re: File sorting
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 04:08:50 PM »
A whole bunch of questions there Eric.

How can I stop the program from automatically starting on Twiggy Katz when I am trying to create aset under Palustris Katz?
I'm making an assumption that you have two gardeners:
a) Twiggy Katz and b) Palustris Katz
If not, please explain your configuration a little so I can help.
The program will link to the default gardener unless you use the pop-up to change the settings (Gardener and/or Garden Area)

Example: How to set the default gardener:
Start GA004
Beside Gardener pop-up click ww (=work with)
Screen GA100S10 appears
Use the pop-up to select the gardener you'd like to make the default
Click Edit button
Screen GA100S11 appears
Check the Main Garden checkbox
Click the Change button

Only way I can see would be to remove one of my aliases altogether! I have a few folders of pics associated with both so I would rather not have to do them again!
Don't do that Eric. That would be admitting defeat, something unthinkable to gardeners  :D

It inisists on going 1,11....2,20......3, 30 and so on.
Alphabetically, thats the order a computer will arrange those six you've given as an example.
Why? They are characters, not numbers.
Put a zero in front of single "numeric" characters to correct this.
you should then get the order as 01,02,03,11,20,30

Even worse, the only program I have which allows me to renumber say as 001,002,003 etc puts them up in even more a muddled order.
Which program? In IG Pro? If yes, Which screen?
Can you give some more details there Eric?

Having discussed all of the above, you don't need to rename your file names to get them into a preferred display order in IG Pro.
You'll find Nudge buttons (Up and down) provided for that purpose.
Start GA005
Select Garden area
Use Nudge buttons (right of screen) to get your list into your preferred listing order.

Half of them have gone in to one of my names and the other half into my other name.
If you've linked a photo to the wrong garden area, do this:
Start GA030
Click the tab Find folders with Photos
Locate the folder with the photos in the list, and click
List of file names in that folder appears
Click the required file name (if linked it will have 3 stars as a prefix)
Below the file list you'll see the Links list
Click Edit
Screen GA005S04 appears
Under the caption Gardeners/Garden Areas in this photo, click the line Click on this line to Add/Remove an area
Screen GA005S06 appears
In that screen, use the arrows to
a) link the photo to another area
b) break the link to the currently linked area
c) link the photo to additional garden/areas

Does that help?

« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 04:12:28 PM by ideasguy »

Online Palustris

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Re: File sorting
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 04:45:40 PM »
Helps with every thing but the batch renumbering Ta muchly.