Author Topic: Happy birthday Boss!  (Read 2251 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Happy birthday Boss!
« on: January 15, 2009, 01:52:30 PM »
I'd like to (very belatedly) wish our very good forum friend Toby (bossgard) a Happy Birthday and very best wishes.

Born 20th Nov 1928, Toby is that bit special. We communicate quite a lot behind the scenes, and as you have seen from my recent posting on Forum regulars, I enjoy the banter and often split my sides with laughter at his "one liners". Theres been quite a lot of those "laugh out loud" moments in the catalog of emails.

As you've read from some of his postings, you'll see he's very keen on hiking, reporting on the forum on his and his hiking buddy's latest trek through the mountains in and around his region.
Being just a little bit inquisitive, I asked him how he kept in such good shape.
Back care this very long account, of how to look after yourself and MUCH more. Health, fitness, retirement, religion etc
I'll post one little snippet, Quote
Brain exercise: Some people recommend crossword puzzles.
No, use a computer and run IG Pro, that will give you all the stimulation your brain needs.

I asked his permission to post this message as a "prompt" so Toby could write a reply and relate some of that account to our members.

So, Toby
Happy Birthday my friend
Very best wishes to you and your two older brothers
Yours affectionately

Offline bossgard

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Re: Happy birthday Boss!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 06:15:44 PM »
Thanks for the belated Birthday Greetings!
   What an assignment! To write a dissertation on how to keep fit when it is a very complicated issue. Lots of words have been written on this subject by others. Myself, I?m still waiting for my copy of the instruction manual, I sent away for it sometime ago. It?s like that missing manual for your software. You will probably think I?m some kind of a health-nut, but this is how I see it.
   My personal observations with some background:
   LIFE: Some people say life is an adventure. Some say it is a trip. Some say it is preparation for a future life. I won?t argue any of these points, but at my retirement stage; I?ll add one more, life is to be fun! (But, not funny.)
   When I retired I made a strict rule for myself; I arise at the same time every day, I place my feet on the floor, I stand up, I put first one foot in front of the other, and then put the other foot ahead of it. Since the rest of me is attached to those feet, I guess I have go along, too! I don?t know where they are going to lead me. So call it an adventure, call it a trip, call it a preparation, but have fun and enjoy it along the way. And there is humor in life, it just takes a little looking for sometimes!
   MENTAL HEALTH: In my early twenties, I had some severe pains in my gut, and went to the family doctor. He took an x-ray of the area and explained the cause of my dilemma. Pointing with his finger at the x-ray, he said ?see those white areas down there, that is air, you are swallowing air?. He then explained the theory of ?it?s not what you are eating, it?s what is eating you?, that was causing me to swallow air. He said we have to find out what is ?eating you?. So he arranged an appointment with a psychiatrist. After several visits with that doctor, my savings ran out, so had to quit. Shortly after that, the doctor?s picture was in a Seattle newspaper, he was going through a bitter divorce proceeding with his wife. My observation, HE had more problems than I had, and HE was going to cure my FLATULENCE. Conclusion: There?s a saying: YOU?RE OK, I?M OK.
   Brain exercise: Some people recommend cross-word puzzles. NO, use a computer and run IG Pro, that will give your brain all the stimulation it needs.
   RETIREMENT: Try to have a place in which to live that is paid for, and enough spendable income to modestly feed and clothe you, and maintain your housing. I didn?t fully plan it that way, but thankfully that is the way it turned out, I have been blessed. If you don?t, retirement will be stressful.
   PHYSICAL HEALTH: Have a large two story, plus full basement house, and a large yard that will give you plenty of physical exercise in maintaining, and a good plan for accomplishing that. (There goes IG Pro, again.) Two flights of stairs that you go up and down perhaps 20 times a day, will keep you fit to climb those steep paths when hiking.
   Have a good friend and hiking buddy who loves the outdoors like you do. I have been blessed there, too. This guy also makes sure I have ample food in the house.
   Consume enough good foods to maintain you body physically and mentally. To assure that I do that, when I think of breakfast, I think of whole grains in cereals, breads, protein in breakfast meats and one egg, fruit juice and milk. Lunch time is for vegetables and fruits in the form of salads, preferably raw, but canned, frozen and fresh will work well. Add a little luncheon meat if you want. Dinner, think whole wheat pastas, brown rice, legumes, vegetables (steamed), etc., also a little meat, preferably chicken or fish. I drink several small cups of green tea a day, and a little bit of decaf coffee.
   Computer wise; pounding a keyboard and clicking a mouse, is a great way to keep arthritis away. (There goes IG Pro, again.)
   RELIGION: As a child I went to an Episcopalian Sunday school and was baptized there. My thoughts are definitely confused here with this subject, probably because of no study. But, I can tell you, that I feel like I?m communicating with ?something? when I am down on my hands and knees gardening. There?s something about that closeness when you see a seed burst into life, and watch it mature day by day. 
   DOWN EPISODES: I?ve certainly have had my share, and they are not fun. Related to the previous topic; ?why do the good die young, and the bad ones get to stick around, causing hell?
   Some 1-liners to contemplate:
1 - Adopt a pet, one you can hold, cuddle, talk to, and it will return the favor ten-thousand fold.
2 - Take a one-a-day vitamin aimed at seniors, just to make sure you?re covered.
3 ? Remember you have a body clock, don?t tinker with it! Rise at the same time, eat at the same time, and take care of bodily functions at the same time,
4 ? Don?t eat anything that your Grandmother wouldn?t recognize.
5 ? Don?t eat cardboard boxes (over-processed foods).
6 ? Encourage other gardeners to plant vegetables amongst their flowers. I purchased some Rainbow Blend Swiss Chard seeds that can be grown in containers that really will add some bright color to my garden. Maybe I can get a photo to post.
7 ? Read food container labels, particularly watch for sodium content. Know what you are eating.
   So that?s a complicated subject in a nut-shell. Real easy, huh? It would be very interesting to hear from other Forum Members as to their thoughts. Best of luck for a long lifetime. I?m enjoying mine, especially with you, George, and the Forum member?s company. I enjoy your company tremendously.
   Is there a better way to stay fit, than gardening? (And hiking.)
   - Toby


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Re: Happy birthday Boss!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 10:52:16 PM »
Indeed.  Belated birthday wishes Toby.

Is there a better way to stay fit, than gardening? (And hiking.)
   - Toby

Sounds good to me - a nice combination there.  ;)
