The Ideas Genie Community Forum

Ideas Genie Pro => General discussion => Topic started by: diegartenfrau on January 28, 2009, 11:35:06 PM

Title: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: diegartenfrau on January 28, 2009, 11:35:06 PM

there each year I start my vegetable garden new, but I like to keep a copy of my last years garden for reference (to know where I planted last years Broccoli) and the garden beds are really always the same. So my Garden figuration would be the same like
Upper Garden/Bed 1, Bed 2.....- Lower Garden/ Bed 1, Bed 2..... each year, only what I grow each year in the bed changes due to crop rotations. Is there a way to duplicate last years garden with the Bed configuration? Or do I have to make a new garden each year inputting all this data again? Duplicating would be a big time saver.

Is it also possible to duplicate the tasks from one year to the other, so one does not have to re input all this data?

Isabell :)
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: roiphil on January 29, 2009, 10:53:26 AM
i had a play myself last year and i came up with this

one database labeled vegetable patch added to my garden,
4 divisions labeled
plot 1 potatoes,
plot 2 peas and beans,
plot 3 Brassicas,
plot 4 roots

then all I do is to go to plot 1 add the plant and so on for the other plots, then next year should be able to shuffle the plants into the next plot down i.e. next year
plot 1 will be roots,
plot 2 potatoes,
plot 3 peas and beans,
plot 4 Brassicas and so on for each year , hope that all makes sense some people use a 5 year rotation so all you would do is to add another division plot 5

i no longer have this as it was on flower genie evaluation and the lap top went bust so i have no idea if it actually works here the link to the post anyway, not even sure if this answers your question,374.0.html
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: ideasguy on January 29, 2009, 03:53:53 PM
I'll do that Isabell

Question first. I presume you wish to do this within one database?
Keeping it in one database means you can share the plants list, year on year.

In that case you could set up multiple gardeners, one for each year:
My Garden 2007
Upper Garden/Bed 1, Bed 2.....- Lower Garden/ Bed 1, Bed 2
I'm assuming again that Upper Garden and Lower Garden are divisions (is that your set up?)

My Garden 2008
Upper Garden/Bed 1, Bed 2.....- Lower Garden/ Bed 1, Bed 2
Crop rotation - plants in Bed 1 moved into Bed 2, bed 2 into bed 3 etc

At the beginning of 2009
Click Duplicate this Garden: ==>Enter text for name of new garden (e.g. My Garden 2009)
Program creates replication of My Garden 2008, with all the divisions and garden areas from 2008
For the recreation, Could give options to select all, deselect one or more etc

BUT, with NO plants in the beds at this stage.

Now to copy the plants:
Program will allow you to select:
Pop-up 1: My Garden 2007, My Garden 2008
Pop-up No 2: Upper Garden Bed 1, Upper Garden Bed 2, Upper Garden Bed 3 etc, Lower Garden Bed 1, Lower Garden Bed 2, Lower Garden Bed 3 etc
Once you've set the pop-ups, a list of plants in the selected bed will appear.
Options to select and deselect plants in the list, or select ALL

Then an option to select a destination (a garden area in the 2009 garden)
Click button, selected plants (from say Bed 4 2008) will be added to your selected bed in 2009 (e.g. Bed 1 2009)
Is that what you are after?
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: diegartenfrau on January 30, 2009, 02:18:41 AM
Hi George,

Just in quickly looking at it, it looks like that's what I need. But to tell you the truth. I can't wrap my head around it right now. I have been sitting in Front of this screen all afternoon working on Ideas Garden Database input. My head is smoking, can't concentrate anymore >lol<
I have to get off
I will look at it tomorrow and see if this is, what I think it is.

Thanks again for you 'always so smart and quick input"  :D 8)


ps. I looked quickly over the other topic it all looks good and interesting. as much I could tell  ;D
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: diegartenfrau on January 30, 2009, 02:30:29 AM

I just looked quickly at the Garden Areas and Plant profiles. (I know I said I will get off, I was going to turn off the program when I glanced at it just shortly)  ;)
I don't see any button which says 'duplicate'
where can I find it?
I must be too tired!

Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: ideasguy on January 30, 2009, 09:05:26 AM
RE: (Isabell)
I don't see any button which says 'duplicate'
That button is what I'm proposing to add, Isabell (provided thats what you actually want) as described in my first reply to your enquiry in this topic
I hope it is. In my mind it will be a very useful feature.
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: diegartenfrau on January 30, 2009, 10:46:55 PM

yes a button like that would be very useful indeed.  :)

So I guess right now there is no way I can just select all the plants and move them into the holding area for this years garden, until I have re figured my beds?
 I was looking yesterday if I can just move a whole bunch of plants at once. Like when I look at my Brassicas, then select all plants and move them at once. I it is bit cumbersome to have to select each single plant and move them to the 2009 garden holding pen. To much clicking back and forth. If we could just >shift< and >enter< it would be such a quicker job. I have a lot of vegetables in my garden so I figure it will take me at least a week to move them that way.

For duplicating the garden area, this would be really useful. This year is not such a big deal, because I am re figuring my vegetable garden, so duplicating it would not work anyway. But next year I could really use that feature ;)
Last year I bought a lot of recycled plastic garden beds and I am now adding more, this will get me better drainage in this rainy climate and I think better harvesting results in a smaller space. I had to refigure the garden anyway, because we are getting ready to get some chickens. The lower Garden I am turning into a Fruit garden. It is a bit colder down there and it gets more of the water, because it is the lowest level of the yard. So it does not grow Vegetables as well. But I already had a lot of Berries there and they seem to do well. So I just my other berries moved it all down there and I might get a few others, maybe a sea berry (called Sanddorn-Sandthorn in Germany) and some hardy kiwis.

So yes, please make us this button and let us select more then one plant.
actually this would be even a nice feature for the ornamental garden too. So many people have collections garden, many varieties of same plant, in same garden area.

thanks again George for being such a good sport

Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: ideasguy on January 30, 2009, 11:11:07 PM
I'll look over this thread when I start to the update, Isabell, and make it as flexible as I can.
I'm looking forward to having that as a feature. Its real good.

I'm over committed at present, so I dont want to make promises to do it so you can use it this week, but leave it for a few days and if I can, I will fit it in.
Its difficult to plan my workload at present - support, enquiries etc. (as you can see from the time taken on the Chiltern catalog)
If you can struggle through it this year (in the event I dont get to it) it would certainly ease the pressure.
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: diegartenfrau on January 30, 2009, 11:26:26 PM
As I said, I personally don't need it for this year, there my garden layout it totally different from last year.

there you still seem to be on.
I am trying to duplicate the tasks from last year but when I am in GAO47S11, I have a task already selected in this case it is "transplant onions-leek into garden' my new garden year is selected at the "Do Month" section (Garden 2009) I then click duplicate, but the program won't let me use the same name. A pop up tells me "A task with this name already exists Enter another name" It doesn't make any sense to me that way, that I have to rename the Name for the task, because it is the same task. Is this a problem with the program or did you intend it this way?

It would be better if I can just use the exact name for the same task. Eventually I will run out of names for the same task <lol<

what you think
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: ideasguy on January 31, 2009, 12:05:25 AM
Off the top of my head, how about putting the year/month after the task name,to make it unique?
If that isnt aceptable, I'll play some with it tomorrow and see if I can help.
Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: diegartenfrau on January 31, 2009, 09:56:06 PM

this is what I did I called it 'seed indoor onion 2009'
it works, but it would be less work/less typing to do a just copy of same name.

Title: Re: Duplicating Garden Areas
Post by: ideasguy on January 31, 2009, 09:59:56 PM
I'm really pleased to see youve been using this last year, Isabell, and I will certainly look at making it easier foir you next year.