Bio dynamics is basically back to basic. No chemicals used.
The farmers collect the cow dungs in summer, stuff into horns, buried in the earth,
take out in Spring, stir in water and spray on the ground.
Another fertilizer is "worm juice" compost. Another is spray with crystal dust.
They also used stinging nettles, yarrow, carmomilles and stuff into Stag bladders.
They do it by the seasons and calculations of the stars and energy forces.. hmmm sounds
very primitive? of course there is a calender to follow. It has gain popularity in Europe, USA, and big in Aussie farms. Organic farming
just mean natural, BD - can class as primitive. In certain part of Ireland, the ancient monks built
a tower of basalt to attract cosmo energy into the ground to assist the roots of their vegetation.
I will have to check out the name of the place for you. It will be interesting is you can check out.
We are not farmers, but Chinese has a calender that states all these timing. Whether moving house, shifting of the master bed,
renovation, marriage especially, when to sow seeds, etc. we will check this Almanac
The Muslim also such a calender and so are the Hindus. I was in Riydha, Saudi Arabia
last year and was asking how do they synchronize their prayers - they pray five times a day..on the road, on the public areas
wherever..I was curious and one shop assistant showed me their calender - very complicated but all in Arabic.. remembered
I was dressed in their black robe - the ahbaya.. :