Garden Design > Pond construction

it was a warm day today

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You are a brave man Frodo  :)

On thje pessimistic side - Plan B (for the communion): Wheres the nearest small river to the house?  :) :) :)


--- Quote from: greenfinger on April 28, 2007, 05:09:11 PM ---Making a little stream with cascade.

--- End quote ---

The rubber and gravel have been laid out (no pictures yet), but now the question pops up: which plants to use in the water and on the "banks"? Anyone some suggestions, ideas, remarks? They would be most welcome.

My favourites for moist banks:-
Primulas (small), Rodgersia (larger).
Absolutely love them both.

Veronica prostrata (GREAT little grond hugging plant - spreads nicely)

Also Astilbes (mine dried up badly last year in that dry summer)
One of my favourites is Astilbe chinensis var. pumila (an AGM plant). It forms a low mat of foliage all year, puts up 9-12 in spikes of flowers in summer. Should be perfect for your application.

But they need continual moisture. Your man made (lined) pond may not offer the same mositure level as the banks of a natural stream. But then, the home owner can give nature a hand?

Back later with more suggestions

Is the project on schedule?

>>>>But then, the home owner can give nature a hand?<<<<
Yes, perhaps at the banks we will dig in slightlly perforated rubber at a depth of circa 45 cm and fill the gap with humusrich potting soil retaining moisture.
I think the project is on schedule but the lady of the house is getting very nervous because the big garden feasts will be the 20th and 27th of May. In such cases it can be an advantage to take on a Buddhist attitude and go for a mixture of action and contemplation.  ;)
Thanks for the suggestions.


--- Quote from: greenfinger on May 09, 2007, 10:49:41 AM ---Yes, perhaps at the banks we will dig in slightlly perforated rubber at a depth of circa 45 cm and fill the gap with humusrich potting soil retaining moisture.

--- End quote ---
That should do the trick nicely. Do you have time?
I dont envy the pressure you are under. I can imagine that lady pacing around that little river nervously.
It would be a shame to have to rush the job to completion without adding that extra lining on the banks.


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