Well done again Eric

Ive been through them all, and I saw photos for each one.
I particularly like that little Astilbe crispa Perkeo.
Have you ever tried to grow it? If its readily available, I will give it a try.
I'm also very fond of Erigerons, and Erigeron Canary Bird looks like a lovely colour break.
On to the Campanulas - they are all fantastic. If I had to pick one, I'd go for Campanula hercegoviniana nana, Campanula Blythe Spirit and Campanula raineri Gothenburg form (tee hee

Thymus ciliceus is putting on some show, isn't it! Wouldn't mind one or two of them

I'm also an avid collector of Leucanthemums - they do really well in my garden.
Leucanthemum African Eyes reminds me of a plant which I grew called Rhodanthemum 'African Eyes' .
It survived for about 3 or 4 years outdoors, but "passed away" 2 years ago. Recommended!
Another dainty and exquisite one I grew was Leucanthemum catananche. Problem was, the slugs also loved it. It survived for a few years and I'd love to grow it again.
What took your fancy when you visited that show Eric?
Were there plants for sale?