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Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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The wpg output and search engines
« on: April 15, 2009, 10:46:08 PM »
Correct me if I am wrong please.

Someone uses a search engine to find info on a plant.
They end up on one of our published pages such as this

They may be interested in looking further into the wpg, but have only the forward and back buttons, there is no menu showing on the lh side.
We could manually add some html to insert a link to the main pages of the wpg, but this will be overwritten every time we re publish to the server.

If i am correct on this, could you please give thought to the next update to, perhaps have another box like the "Where to see this plant" that we can insert a link to the wpg as a whole, which of course has the menu on.

I know people end up on the pages as linked to above, by looking at our visitor statistics.

I wait to get my ears bashed ;D
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 10:48:33 PM by Lyn and Malcolm »

Offline ideasguy

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2009, 11:12:26 PM »
I gave quite a bit of thought to each frame at design time, Malcolm.

Very often Ive surfed in on such pages and they have no links whatsoever, so I wanted to make it so that a surfer would be able to find our WPG home page, with links to all WPG's be members.

As you know, the WPG makes a frame set, with 3 frames:
a) The Banner b) the Plants List and c) the Plant Details pages.
b) and c) should attract hits from search engines.

If they happen to surf in on your Plants List, detached from the Frame set, they get this:

b) If they surf in one of our Plants Details pages they see a page per the example link you gave above.

At the bottom of page a) they get a link to More Plant Albums
At the bottom of page b) theres more room, so they get more text: Ideas for Gardens - Plant Albums HOME page
with the same link

In each case, the Plant Albums home page opens in a new window, so the page they surfed in on remains open for reference, so thy can locate your album.

The reason I couldn't give a link to the home page of each WPG is simple. It depends on the name of the folder on the server, and the host, both of which are used to construct the URL.
In the next update, I could provide a field as an option for advanced users to enter the URL of their home page.
Hows that?

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 11:35:10 PM »

George wrote

The reason I couldn't give a link to the home page of each WPG is simple. It depends on the name of the folder on the server, and the host, both of which are used to construct the URL.

Thanks George, I did realise that would be a problem.

It is important that visitors can see all the wpgs made using your software, and that they can purchase the software themselves.
Their enjoyment of those wpgs, and awareness of what the software can provide, would surely be made greater, if they can explore more of the pages with ease, ie able to get to a page with menu to explore.

So your offer of  "a field as an option for advanced users to enter the URL of their home page" would be very much appreciated.


Offline ideasguy

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 12:18:21 AM »
It sounds like a good idea now weve worked out the mechanics of all this.
The optional field notion is good.

When I did the WPG development, the idea was to make it as simple as humanly possible, so extras were omitted from initial release (style sheets etc)

Offline roiphil

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 11:12:10 AM »

So your offer of  "a field as an option for advanced users to enter the URL of their home page" would be very much appreciated.


.yes please from me aswell  ;)

Offline ideasguy

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2009, 11:16:35 AM »
The field will be available to all, Phil, so no problem there. It will be in the next update, but I have to finish Bank Genie project first.

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2009, 11:54:05 AM »
many thanks  :)

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2009, 07:01:57 PM »

Phil wrote
yes please from me aswell 

A supporter  ;D

Made up for a rather bad day here, seems like the cam belt has bust on my van at 24,000 miles, and one of my computers packed up.
The computer was an easy repair for me, the on/ off switch, the van can't be looked at till Monday or Tuesday. Has it damaged the valves/pistons ?


Offline ideasguy

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2009, 07:51:02 PM »
That sounds pretty nasty, Malcolm.
Ive had a timing belt break, and it wrecked my engine.
WEre you driving at the time? Did you manage to get the clutch in quickly?

Offline roiphil

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2009, 07:54:26 PM »
RE cambelt i used to have a granada and the cambelt broke on that expensive job to fix, it all depends if its damaged/bent any thing etc, but they do say things happen in 3s and you have had 2 so only 1 more thing to happen  ;)

number 3 cost to fix van  :o  :o  :'(

hope you get it sorted and it not to dear, stupid question here 24000 miles any warranty on van

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2009, 08:37:35 PM »

I had just left the house of my first job, got 50yards up the road, probanly doing 20ish mph.
Had I got a further 1/2 mile up the road would have been doing 60mph along a dual carriageway  ::)
Did I get the clutch in quickly, I have no idea, can't remember
This is the 3rd vehicle I have had cam belt go, lucky on other two just bent valve stems, which I did myself.
If there is major damage, I think a new engine is £2500 to £3000 plus remove old and fit new, >:(

This one I will not be doing myself, the garage I have used for the last 15 years can't look at it till Mon/Tues next week though.
So luckily I have my own car, but can't get all the boxes of stock in it and tools, so problem guessing what to take, what with all the different types and brands of machines.

George will leave to you to remove these posts re van if you want,

No warranty on van bought it second hand 15 months ago  :(


Offline ideasguy

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Re: The wpg output and search engines
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2009, 09:40:37 PM »
Its OK about the postings Malcolm. The thread has done its job already.
I hope you get good news from your garage next weeek. An anxious weekend ahead.