Author Topic: Back to Basics  (Read 3252 times)

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Back to Basics
« on: January 27, 2007, 09:42:33 PM »
We all have to start at the beginning. ..this is true in everything we do for the first time, be it walking, talking, going to school, starting a new job, putting up a shelf, laying a lawn, sowing seed or jumping out of an airplane..!
Now, on this site you will find some very knowledgeable people...if you have a plant query I'll bet someone here has an answer, they leave me flabbergasted with what they know. But even these men and ladies had to start from scratch and that's what this topic hopes to cover, The Basics.
These pages are here to answer very basic questions about gardens and allotments. For instance, I didn't know not to pick all the rhubarb stalks every year, you have to leave some to die back into the soil to feed the crown (that's a rhubarb root to you and me) for the following year. I knew about it after my father told me, but up until then I didn't know.
That was probably my very first lesson in gardening and I think I was about 5 years old at the time. It's something I've remembered all my life. There's a great many very basic questions and answers that we can all share and I hope to be able help, even just a little, anyone visiting here who wants to know the basics.
I say gardens and allotments, but you'll find most gardeners are really quite capable handy-persons and if you're stuck with something outside that area, well, share the problem with us, you'd be suprised what we can do.
Want to know how to make a free plant pot? Ask me.