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Anyone fancy an 8' palm tree to cure & keep??


Hi all
Not been on for a long time for lots of reasons, so hope you don't mind my being a bit rude in bouncing in with this request.   I'm pretty desperate at the moment though to find a home for my 25-year-old palm tree - can't remember the proper name for it, but I often consider it the "bog standard Tesco one"!! 

Whatever - it's sadly now starting to have serious problems that really would require it to be repotted which I'm just physically unable to do.  It's been a brilliant plant until  this year, seeming to enjoy being pot bound and continually trying to hit the ceiling despite my continually trying to stop it :))

If anyone is in the remotest bit interested to take it off my hands I'd be hugely grateful - or if you didn't want to keep it but were willing to either come to me, or take it away to repot it and maybe prune it further, again, I'd be indebted.

I've never had anything live quite so long and do quite as well as this plant, hence I'm reluctant to just leave it to probably expire by next year.

Any takers?? 

Not for me Romayne, but I'm sure one of our members will be able to advise on how to prune and care for it, to keep it within bounds and rejuvenate it for you.

Not for us either Romayne, and we don't have any experience of palms so unfortunately can't offer any advice for its care.


Thanks guys - know it's a long shot but I couldn't think of anywhere better to start asking for takers as I just hate the thought that it will die for lack of repotting soon - my brother refuses to tackle it because of its size so I'm sort of stuck.  Hate killing things that have given me so much enjoyment, but sadly that's what I'm doing to this poor thing.  I was amazed to see 4 new shoots today on it too - it truly is working hard to keep going despite everything!

Anyway - will wait a bit longer to see if anyone does bite on it, and if not, I'll maybe just stick it in the Free Ads and see if it gets any better interest.


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