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Re: Computer crash - again!
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:21:46 AM »
I definitely think my computer's hard drive is going the way of the Dodo.

Couldn't get it to boot again this morning, so I ran my Spinrite program to analyse the hard drive.

The first message I got from it was that the hard drive is failing.  :o

I'm letting it run through the full analysis routine and as I write (on Kathy's PC) the process is just half way through.  Still has about another 3 hours to go.

Fortunately I've got all my critical files backed up onto my USB Flash Drives and CD's.

I'll see how things go after the hard drive check has been completed, but I most probably will have to get a new hard drive at some point.

Fitting a new one myself is not a problem, the pain is having to install all the Operating software again, plus all my own programs I use frequently, then having to reconfigure my personal settings for each of them.  I want to be able to get as much out of this drive as I can before abandoning it completely.

I've got my laptop as a backup in the meantime if I do need to get a new hard drive, so I'm not having to share Kathy's PC, and I can still function fairly normally.

There won't be much Forum activity from me until I get this problem sorted out one way or another, but I can still look in from time to time on Kathy's PC to keep up with current events.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 05:38:09 PM by Kathy & Laurie »

Offline Palustris

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 09:31:11 AM »
When this happened to me I bought a gadget called an Icy Box. This converts an interior h/d to an exterior h/d, without losing anything on the h/d. I then managed to copy across from the old drive to the new one without to much difficulty.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 09:42:47 AM »
Thanks for that info.  Had your old drive crashed through a hardware fault or was it software related?

If you managed to recover your data through a mechanical fault then that Icy Box sounds like a good bit of kit, and would save a big headache.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 10:37:49 AM »
When my old W98 computer started playing up, I took fright and bought an 80 GB Icy Box.
I did a backup of all my data. When I bought my XP computer, it was a simple matter of transfering it onto that computer.

Nowadays I use my Icy for photo storage.

Icy Box is actually an extra, external, drive. Thus when you plug attach it to your computer using USB port, it shows up as an external drive, or in may case as 3 external drives due to the partitioning I had to do to make it work with W98.

An external drive of some kind is indispensible.

Good luck in recovering from the latest grief, Laurie!


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 10:54:17 AM »
Thanks for that info George, great stuff.

At one time, prior to taking college computer courses, I would have been a nervous wreck trying to figure out what to do and ending up having to call a computer engineer out.

Nowadays I don't get panicky at all.  I'm able to diagnose problems and to fix them.  It's just a nuisance factor when problems do occur.  The majority of the time it is software related and easily fixable.  Hardware problems require a bit more effort, particularly when it happens to be a problem with your hard drive.

Anyway, I'll just be patient and see what happens.



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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2008, 06:30:12 PM »
After a 12-hour process using Spinrite, I have got my PC running again.

However, it found so many physical errors on the hard drive that I have decided to replace it with a new one.  In its current state it is in imminent danger of complete failure.

I'll be doing a bit of online shopping around to find the best deal for the hard drive compatible with my system.

Meanwhile I'm content in the knowledge that I will not be losing any vital data, as I was diligent enough to do BACKUPS - a very important procedure that every computer user should do.

Although my computer is about 7 years old, new drives have also been known to fail.

It's a habit worth getting into.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2008, 10:11:30 AM »
Our H/D problem was a physical one, but I found a free program on the Web which could and did recover most of the things on the old drive, but don't ask me how!. I now have a new H/d fitted in the Icy box and use it as backup ala George.

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2008, 11:07:42 AM »
You did very well to recover your data from such a disaster, Eric. Your advice about using the Icy Box (or any external drive) as an additional storage device should be adopted by all computer users - its essential to have backups.

The good thing is, the Icy Box responds every bit as quick as reading and writing from Hard Disk so I use it for photos. Those photos in turn are backed up on CD or Flash.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2008, 05:37:47 PM »
Have just installed a new Hard Drive.

I was getting program anomalies creeping in this morning, so some of my files had also been affected by the latest crash. I couldn't leave it any longer before changing the hard drive.

I have installed the Operating System and am in the process of installing my programs.

Just thought I'd have a look in on the Forum whilst I'm doing this.  I'm using Kathy's PC at the moment as I'm having to do system restarts after certain program installations.  Also, I haven't got my email client set up yet, so can't send or receive emails for now.

With program errors, I couldn't go for the option of transferring everything from my old hard drive to the new one.  Although it's taking longer, I prefer to do clean installs to maintain a nice clean environment.

It's keeping me out of mischief anyway.  ;)


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2008, 07:16:33 PM »
I salute you Laurie - you are a hero!

You'll prpbably have to re-register IG Pro and Flower Genie
email the first few charactesr of the ones you plan to use, and I'll reset them for you.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2008, 07:57:47 AM »
Thanks for that George.  I've sent you a personal message with the details of the program I want to reactivate.

I've now got all the software installed that I use most frequently.

This has given me the opportunity to have a good sort out of my programs and files that I had installed on the last hard drive.  I've 'weeded out' (appropriate terminology for a gardening forum  ;) ) the things I don't need on the new hard drive, as I've still got them saved onto CD's if, and when, I need them.  You don't realise how much 'junk' accumulates on your PC until you need to take a real good look at what's stored on it.

The PC's performance is now greatly improved.  My previous drive was an 80GB 5400 rpm internal.  My Motherboard doesn't allow for a larger capacity drive, but I was able to get a faster spinning one - 7200 rpm (80GB is fine for my storage purposes at the moment.)

All processes now run much faster and programs open quicker.

Now all that's been done, I can concentrate on getting back to a bit more normality on the Forum.  ;D

My web project about our latest visit to RHS Gardens Harlow Carr, which had been put on a back burner since my PC crash, can now be resumed.  Once I've sorted out the photos and web pages I can add them to our current 'Harlow Carr' web site.

Further discussion about this will be placed in the section Gardens open to the Public / Good gardens to visit (UK).


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2008, 10:24:42 AM »
I salute you once again, Laurie! Thats a commendable feat accomplished.

Please note my new posting re: Login details reset for server. Not as difficult as the challenges youve dealt with this past week!


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2008, 11:41:04 AM »
Thanks for that George.  I guess I 'rose' to the challenge (there's another gardening reference - that's two I've done already today. I think I need to give my brain a rest.  ;) )

I've changed the login details and the server is now accepting the new codes.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2009, 05:29:44 PM »
Laurie and Other Members of the Forum:

Need some computer techies? type help.

The software that I was using to backup my files was getting rather old and I thought I had better update it. The same software manufacturer?s most recent offerings included too many bells and whistles, stuff I don?t need, like Music libraries, editing Videos, etc. A recent newspaper Q&A column (that I have high regard for) had a reader who asked about Backing Up Their Files, and it recommended Nero. I checked their website, and purchased Nero BackItUp 4. So far I like what I see. The old program I was using had a click ?one button? that started the backup of my computer files.

With Nero I have to select the files. In viewing the list of folders that I have selected to back up, it looks like just about everything is there on the checked list. All my saved M/S Word Files, IG with GA001 to GA356-dl, all my scanned images, and others. I can retain this same selection for future backups.

I plan first to do a complete Drive Backup, then a complete File Backup, and then at timed intervals after that, to do Incremental Backups. Incremental backups will include those files that have changed since the first complete File Backup. Is anybody familiar with Nero BackItUp 4, and will this plan accomplish my job? If I crash (heaven forbid!), then I will take the CPU and all the discs to the gentlemen that built the computer.

- Toby


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2009, 08:43:39 AM »
Adopting that style of backup Toby is the full and correct way to go about it.

Once you start that procedure you need to keep yourself disciplined and get into a routine of doing regular backups.

It is a pain, I know, to do this but if you don't, and the unthinkable happens with a hard drive crash, then you're in a world of hurt.

Although I have heard of Nero I have never used the software, so I can't help you with specific use of it.
Maybe some of our other members are familiar with it and can give you some guidance.

Having said that, your proposed backup procedure is sound, whatever software you use to accomplish it.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2009, 04:10:59 PM »
Thanks, Laurie!

You've given me the encouragement that I needed to go ahead with the Nero Full Backup. It's so hard for computer users like me, with so little technical skill, to know where to turn to for this kind of advice.

I would be lost without you and George! And other Forum Members, too.

I would hate to lose all the data that I have entered into IG Pro. There are hours and hours of it. I so enjoy using this amazing software creation of George's.
Right now, I am using GA048, the label program, making pot-stics for seed starting. When I use the copy and paste feature, it goes very quickly, and it's a breeze preparing labels for tomorrow's starts. And they last!

Using laser stock and BuraBrite ink sure works for me, but more on the label program and research later in another posting to the Forum. Might be good news coming!! Keep your fingers crossed for us!!

- Toby


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2009, 04:17:35 PM »
Glad to be of help Toby.

Once you've completed your backup procedure, it might be worth posting the results here.  For example, any hitches you may have come across or hopefully how easy it was.  I think that a trial of this nature by someone like yourself, a non-techie, adds more value to the results than an expert explaining how easy it is.
Could give inspiration to others to do this.  :)

Your labels news sounds like really exciting stuff.  Waiting with baited breath.  :D

« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 04:35:08 PM by Kathy & Laurie »

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2009, 07:28:24 PM »
Nero provide very good software, Toby. Its well thought of in the IT profession.

In my day job, we use Nero for burning CD's and DVD's

I dont know where I'd be in this project without the Boss!
Thanks for all your help and support Toby, and great to hear about that new label supplier.
You can update the Lables topic when you have more news.

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2009, 09:07:17 PM »
Thanks, George!

Another reason I chose Nero BackItUp 4 is that Nero offers an Online Backup Storage Service. Based on 15GB for 12 months they charge $90.00 (US). Not knowing too much about such things, I don?t know if that is a good deal, but we will seek knowledge and worry about that later.

Laurie and George and Others:

I?m going to try to do the Complete Total Backup this Sunday, since on that day early in the morning, online traffic is light if I might need same for updates, downloads, etc.

For doing previous backups and also the complete computer scans, I?d worked up this schedule for once a week:
1. Work with my email, delete, and empty deleted folder, drag other email to folders I want to keep, -- a routine catch up and clean up.
2. Empty Desktop recycle bin if necessary.
3. Run Clean Disk
4. Check updates on AVG Security
5. Run AVG Security Complete Scan (takes approx. 1 hr 45 min)
6. Start Nero BackItUp 4, do Drive Backup, then a complete File Backup. Next week and from then on I will do only the Incrementals.
7. Since it is recommended that if you do any Disk Defragmentizing, you should do a total Backup first, I might do that now, if the Analysis indicates it.

Are there any other steps I should include?

I?ve never read anybody on this Forum refer to Defragmentizing as a means of maintaining speed on one?s computer, is there a reason? Does anybody do it?

Thanks for the info!

- Toby

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2009, 09:53:59 PM »
Based on 15GB for 12 months they charge $90.00 (US).
Have you already subscribed to that?

Uploading to an Online Backup Storage Service
Your data will be stored offsite, out of your own home.
Heaven forbid - Beats theft, fire.

Uploading on the internet is much slower than downloading
Small amounts of data might be OK, but I would not like to wait for giga bytes to upload!

I prefer and would recommend an external disc.
It connects to your computer with a USB connection.
I have an 80 gb device. Very fast read/write (save and retrieve data).
Risk is a break in and computer AND external disc stolen.
I take that risk. External disc is stored in a location away from the computer.

Having this stored offsite in a friends house is good, but means having to have the device brought "home" for security backups.
Or, having TWO external drives, swapping regularly.

I have a range of of Flash drives.
REALLY important stuff is backed up onto that regularly.
I carry the Flash pack with me everywhere I go.

Any one large file on your disc can be little bits of data here and little bits there - all over the disc.
The defrag gathers all the little bits of a file and writes them to a contiguous block on the disc.
In the industry, that seems to be a thing of the past. It takes time!
In the old days, it was very good to defrag and have contiguous data on your disc, so computer worked more efficiently.
In the old days disc space was limited, and processors were slow.
Nowadays, with massive server disc sizes and fast processors the young generation of IT departments dont have defrags on the list.

I'd also like to hear from other members.
Its a good thing in my book.

In all my software you'll find a PACK program.
That does the same sort of process as defrag, for the data belonging to your Genie applications.
In a pack, the process behind the scenes is:
Active data file is read (all the little bits over the disc) and written to a new location, omitting deleted records.
(When you delete a record in Genie programs, the records are marked for deletion, not physically deleted. Its possible to restore deleted records, up until the data is packed)
Then the original file is deleted.
The new version of the file is smaller, since deleted records have been purged.
The new version MAY also be contiguous as it is written in one process.

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2009, 10:27:19 PM »

I got myself into a bind the other day while running GA048, the label program.

I opened with GA048S01 and made my label size selection, and went on to GA048S02, the plant selection screen, selected the plants, edited, saved copy, etc., as I usually do.  I went to Print/Preview getting ready to Print the whole sheet. In checking the copy in Preview for the labels, I discovered (much to my dismay) that the last label on the sheet was for the wrong plant!!

I wanted to go back and delete that particular label, select the right plant, and edit it ? while still retaining all the remaining correct labels. And then print the whole, corrected sheet of labels.

Could I have done that?

Have been seriously thinking about asking you for an addition to GA048.  Here goes:

Some place on the Label editing screen I would like to have a place to add a ?Footer? to each of the labels in this particular selection. This Footer would appear as the last text line on a label, and would include data that I enter only once in a special area, that would appear on all the labels of that run, if I so choose.

Let?s use the example that I am designing My Garden, Front Porch, Bed 1, and I am making a selection of plants (seeds) that I have to propagate for this particular area. I am now running GA048 for Labels to mark the seedlings. The last line of text of those labels would include reference to My Garden, Bed 1, and Location (Front Row) of the plant in Bed, Date of Starting Propagation, or whatever else. It might appear something like this: ?MG, FP, B1, FR, 032709?. I would have the option of turning this on or off.

If you want to consider above, start a new Forum Topic about it. Comments from others most welcome!

- Toby

Written after reading your most recent post.
No, I have not subscribed to the Nero online service. I have an existing external drive that was installed (USB) to another computer (that was used in my business), used very little. It is about the size of a standard school textbook; Western Digital Media Center and External Hard Drive, I will check out info on it. I had considered using it, earlier, but thought inconvenient to unplug, remove from premises, etc. I will do DVD?s for now, and bring up the use of it and possibly similar devices later. Thanks loads, for the help and explanations. Will check out PACK .


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2009, 10:40:21 PM »
Toby, I think you've got a good plan worked out there for your backups.  Nothing else springs to mind that you should do.

I agree with George about the online backup service.  It could be a slow process, and there is also the risk that some of the data could get corrupted in the transfer - therefore defeating the purpose of doing it in the first instance.

I am a great believer in the use of Flash Drives for backups.  They are now available in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 Gigabytes of storage space.  They are smaller and more transportable than external disk drives, faster to write to than CD's/DVD's, but if you're really paranoid you could back up to both or all three.

Having said that though, it would make your backup procedure longer and more of a chore.  Most useful if you're just backing up smaller specific files.  It's personal choice here as to what medium/s you want to use.

Defragmenting your hard drive?  :-\
I used to defragment my HD several years ago, not using the Windows facility which I found to be VERY slow, so I purchased an independent program to do it.  This program worked in the background and would kick in when it felt it needed to defrag.  The company boasted that it would not slow down your PC and you could carry on working whilst this occurred.
I did notice a slowing down whilst the defrag was ongoing, and it did cause some malfunctioning of some of my programs afterwards.  I also didn't notice any significant increase of computer performance either.

Therefore, I don't defrag any more and haven't noticed any slowing down problems.

Maybe other members will have their own theories about this, so their input would be useful here.


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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2009, 08:32:34 PM »
I would like to point out that George wrote what I thought was a very good posting on the Forum about 'Backing up and Restoring - Using a Flash Disc (Memory Pen)' on September 08, 2006.  I did at the time purchase 3 Sony 1GB Flash Drives, but did not carry through on the subject. I think at that time George and I started work on the Label Program, and it took preference. My goodness how time flies.

- Toby

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2009, 08:39:01 PM »
Yes, they are very useful little devices, Toby and very reasonable.
Beware: They can fail. Happened to my son.
As per the old saying, dont keep all your eggs in one basket. Keep important data on at least two Flash devices.
It would be a good idea to rotate backups onto the two devices.
The posting I did described the special folder structure.
In the case of the Genie backups, Its a good idea to open and explore the backup database on Flash now and again.
Gives peace of mind that it is intact.

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Re: Computer crash - again!
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2009, 09:54:39 PM »
My attempt at completing a Drive Backup and File Backup were aborted by the Nero BackItUp 4 software this morning. I?m sure that it is the lack of computer skills/knowledge on my part. Lots of messages popped up that aren?t covered in the software manual, and I didn?t have a clue as to what they meant. In both backups the software showed a log as it progressed, which I tried to find to print out to show/tell you, but couldn?t locate them.

I will try the backups again and make notes of each message as they appear, and talk to you later. 

The best thing for me to do at this point is to walk away from the program, and re-visit later. We are having wonderful spring sun breaks today, so I think I will go outside and let my self-propelled/walk behind lawn mower pull me around the lawn. Great exercise for the lawnmower!!

- Toby