Ideas Genie Pro > Backups and Restores

Installing to New Computer and moving database from old to new machine

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Just checking back in on this thread.  I've done the reinstall ( a few months later then I desired, but life on the road interfered) and need a license reset.

I've sent a couple of emails requesting such  but haven't seen a response (I've been keeping an eye in my junk mail).  Hopefully it is just a bad email addy and everyone is hail and hardy.

Please let me know what email address to use for the request.  Thank you!

Hi Julie

I've checked my records (I keep all email correspondence) and cannot find even one email from you, Julie, so I'm rather worried to say the least :o

Ive sent you an email a few minutes ago.
Please reply to establish communications, and I'll get you up and running today.

Received your email and just responded to it.  It is the same address I have been using.  Hopefully you receive the response.

Hi Julie

Its now 15:40, two hours or so since you replied here on the forum.
I haven't received your email, and its not in my junk mail. 

Meantime, I have reset your licence a few minutes ago, so you can go ahead and re-register.
Please post a message here when you get up and running again.

Thank you, the registration has completed.

I too am concerned you haven't received the emails.  They show as sent and I received no errors. 

Let me know if you would like to do further testing.


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