Our Gardens > Opening your garden to a tour

Opening our garden for the National Garden Scheme

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Eric Hardy:
Thank you very much, Malcolm. You are very kind. You both still have a lot of active gardening years ahead of you yet  :). I am 82 and it is really only in the last couple of years that I have felt that I can't really cope with too much heavy physical work any more. I still do work but tire much more quickly. Lawn mowing I can still take reasonably in my stride. Anthea can't do the stooping bit now because of her hip but she is still keen in the greenhouse with a bench to work at. It is just those blinking weeds, they really beat us now  >:(

And best wishes to you both too.

Eric H

Unfortunately, old age creeps up on us all.  :(

It's usually the case that the mind is always willing but the body is not, so for us gardeners it soon takes its toll on us.

Kathy and I haven't quite reached the 60 mark yet, but we find that if we take the gardening chores in easy stages, instead of trying to do too much in one go, we can usually get through without too many aches and pains.
Leaves you slightly fitter to 'fight' another day.

Malcolm, I can understand your wanting to ease up, or call it a day, on your opening your gardens to the public.  From your description of what is involved each time, it must be very exhausting.  And with the best will in the world, you can only do that for so long.

The time has probably come for you and Lyn now to devote your time to yourselves and your own gardens, and enjoy them together.  Take time to 'smell the roses.'  ;)



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