Author Topic: Get started with the Web Page Generator  (Read 4624 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Get started with the Web Page Generator
« on: October 02, 2008, 04:01:51 PM »
The web page generator feature in the Reviews - GA032 program has provided more excitement on the forum than any other topic.
Its been fine tuned this past month to make it a pretty slick tool (see recent IG Pro program updates).

You can see the results of our efforts here:

Theres a few more similar projects "in test". The good thing about that is you can do your website project, play around with it, and keep it out of sight of Google until you are ready to show the world.
It will be on the internet, so, in the interim period, you can email the link and ask family and friends all over the world to see your garden.
Web space is free to IG pro and Bonsai Genie customers.

Ive been asked to give the WPG a dedicated board, inviting other users to start an individual topic and join in the "fun" - so , Voila, here it is.
Already we have encouraged at least one person (not mentioning any names Boss) who said he'd never be able to do something like that.
OK, OK, its our own Bossgard from WA, USA, and hes had so much fun with his shiny new Begonias website, he wants to encourage others to "lose the fear" and follow his example.

Over to you! Are you ready to give it a go?
The procedure is simple.
Visit the forum.
Post a new topic in this board
We'll give you personal guidance through the steps.
Please don't be afraid to ask what appears to be trivial questions. Very often you'll be asking the question others are afraid to ask - and when the answers are posted - we will all learn!
« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 04:12:17 PM by ideasguy »

Online ideasguy

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Re: Get started with the Web Page Generator
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 10:34:07 AM »
Ive been doing some private coaching behind the scenes and as you see, we now have Phil up and running.
Eric (palustris) is now starting from scratch to do a new web site.
Larry from WA hopes to do more work on his website soon.
All will be added here: