Author Topic: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website  (Read 15846 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« on: February 18, 2010, 01:03:53 PM »
Ive been doing a a revamp to my website
Please have a look if you have time folk.
In particular, have a look at through the Demos and screenshots.
Are the navigation links OK?

Comments would be much appreciated
« Last Edit: February 18, 2010, 01:36:29 PM by ideasguy »


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 02:55:09 PM »
Great job with the new look web site George.  8)

All the links I tested in the Menu and elsewhere throughout the site work correctly (I don't think I missed any, apologies in advance if I did though  ;) ).

The Demos and Screenshots are very well presented.  The use of the coloured info boxes that highlight different sections of the software are extremely useful and simple to follow.

All in all George you've done a very comprehensive and well laid out web site.


Offline bossgard

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 05:23:23 PM »

I like the bright and cheerful colors you are working with on the 'new' website. They bring to mind the whole concept of gardening for me; 'the beauty of it all'.

The links seemed to have tested well. And, I love those screenshots. Well worth your efforts!

We have a phrase here in the US -- 'just like uptown'. Meaning -- top rate!

- Toby

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 05:59:43 PM »
That was very quick feedback, Laurie & Toby!
I'm very pleased with your comments, thank you.
Ive spent weeks on that.
It was soooo out of date. Theres a lot more work in there yet!
I'm working on a few more demos - Specimens and Global editing.


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 06:39:25 PM »
You deserve instant and positive feedback George, you're a star.  :)

I think further Demos and Screenshots that covers pretty much all of the gardening programs' features would serve as a good incentive for potential buyers to be swayed to purchase.

Forum members have already bought one, or more, of your gardening programs so they have access to the help files for guidance and to ask further questions on the Forum.

Having a detailed explanation on your web site of the programs' features with screenshots fills this gap.  As far as I'm concerned, this would be a good selling point for me to get me interested enough to at least try a demo version first.  8)

If you have the time to do that George I think it could pay off for you.


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2010, 07:20:47 PM »
Thanks again Laurie.
I bought a program called Snagit to create those screenshot captions.
Its a wonderful tool!
Problem is each one is a lot of effort, and working it into the website is so time consuming.

I'd much prefer to be getting on with development!
Mind you, I enjoyed playing with the software and unveiling the little niceties in the different screens. Hope its not confusing!

Theres also a Video offering by the same company - Techsmith - for Demos (a bit expensive)
I'd need a volunteer for the narrator. I'm not sure visitor would how visitors would take to my brogue :D

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 11:49:13 PM »

I wouldn't worry about your brogue! You were certainly understandable when I heard you on Logitech Vid. Besides, isn't that the beauty of all this technology about getting to know people from different lands and different backgrounds. And different 'voices'.

You've intrigued me about Techsmith. It would make a beautiful marketing tool for your software, plus the potential of an educational tool for your software users to follow! Can you explain it briefly. I can understand a microphone that would record your voice, but how is the screenshot(s) of your demonstration taken. Internally on the computer similiar to 'print screen' or is it an outside camera aimed at your screen (and you)?

I can see it all now, think of it as a sales tool that would be continuously running at your IdeasGenie booth at the Seattle Garden Show!

- Toby

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2010, 10:12:49 AM »
Everything seems to work ok on Dialup too.

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2010, 01:09:07 PM »
i like it very much especilly the green, (associated with gardening  ;) ) clicked on several links and they worked marks out of 10, i would give you 10

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2010, 02:12:47 PM »
Thanks Phil, Eric, Toby and Laurie :)
Ive found there is a Video option in the Snagit program which I bought!
Ive had a go, but it would need a lot of polishing on the steps and what to say.
I may post a sample for a giggle  :D
Problem is, even a small video has a file size of about 6mb

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2010, 04:28:44 PM »
A "half decent" size video was all of 49mb.
Ive set this VERY roughcut version for you to have a peep.
Its in a 26mb zip file so OK for broadband but a big download for dialup I'm afraid.

Ive extended the video to include a little tip which you might find useful (hiding Cultural Classifications/Properties)



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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2010, 05:43:34 PM »
A very interesting video tutorial there George.

Although these are very useful, the file sizes of videos (even the 'rough and ready' version you created for us as a demo) does create large file sizes. Higher quality video presentations would be even larger and a big problem for Dial-up users on our Forum, and we have to think of them as the benchmark.  It's unfair to exclude them in favour of the majority of Broadband users, as I'm sure we would all agree upon here.

Personally, I prefer to see static screenshots that George presented at the top of this topic, with coloured boxes highlighting specific areas of the program.

The video clip is a good example though of what can be achieved, but the balance has to be made of what you, George, have the most time to devote to getting the programs' features across to us.  ;)
I don't think any of us want to see you bogged down in creating presentations to the detriment of your program development plans.


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2010, 06:07:11 PM »
Thanks for that Laurie - first off the block as usual ;)

I wouldn't have the webspace for too many of those videos.

It takes a lot of planning for both options (Videos or screenshots)
With screenshots, you can move at your own speed.
With video, its good to see things happening when you click buttons etc.

One thing I could do is put a collection of videos on a DVD and issue with each copy.
Lets see what the others have to say :)

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2010, 06:23:46 PM »

I posted a reply, but it did not go to the Forum! I had the 'red' warning, but didn't notice until too late. Is that reply still available to me to send?

- Toby

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2010, 06:26:58 PM »
I dont know Toby
Try using your back button

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2010, 06:43:17 PM »
OK, where is my 'back button'?

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2010, 06:50:15 PM »
Just the normal backbutton on your browser
Probably too late now.

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2010, 07:09:02 PM »
Too late, evidently.

Basically, what I was going to say, is about the same as what Laurie and you both have posted already.

The videos have their use, but I still need the screenshots and text to really learn.

When I shut down my computer yesterday, I got a notice that there was a download for Apple's iTune. Not knowing for sure what iTune was, I downloaded it. It's menu screen had the topic 'Working with iTunes' I clicked on it, and there was the same type of video for instruction as you have made.

I do like the idea of a DVD that would go with the software copy.

By the way, I removed iTunes! Not my thing at the moment.

- Toby

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2010, 07:41:56 PM »
Tip when posting:
Do a Ctrl-A to select all youve typed
Do a Ctrl-C to copy (Be VERY careful not to hit the V key - its right beside C - it will PASTE over your message :o)
Then if anything fails, you have the text copied to clipboard and can use Ctrl-V to paste it back again in a new message
I do that every time, having been caught a few times - very annoying

My son downloaded iTunes to my computer a long time ago.

I could well do without it at present, but I got my Technics Hi-Fi kit renovated at Christmas as a present and hope to listen to more music so it will come in useful.

I didn't get to reply to your question some days ago about how to do tutorial videos - I wasn't quite sure at the time.
You don't need a webcam to make those Videos. Its all done by the software capturing your computer screen, so I don't even have to go and comb my hair ::) I just click buttons to make IG do its thing, and talk
The audio is picked up by the same inbuilt computer microphone as I use for Skype.


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2010, 08:12:45 PM »
Tip when posting:
Do a Ctrl-A to select all youve typed
Do a Ctrl-C to copy (Be VERY careful not to hit the V key - its right beside C - it will PASTE over your message :o)
Then if anything fails, you have the text copied to clipboard and can use Ctrl-V to paste it back again in a new message
I do that every time, having been caught a few times - very annoying
Ditto that George.  I too have been caught out a couple of times and lost my text whilst doing a posting.

If your thoughts you've committed to paper are still fresh in your mind then it's not too bad, but it's just a chore to have to start all over again.  If you've created a 'novelette' with long and intricate content bordering on verbosity, then you're in a world of hurt.  :(

I always copy to the clipboard, as it's so easy to hit a wrong button whilst typing and you end up losing the lot.

Additionally, if I'm doing a particularly long posting I also copy the text into a Notepad file and save it to my Desktop.  Then if I get called away from the computer for whatever reason, then I've got a safe copy that can't be accidentally overwritten if it's only on the clipboard.  So, if I later get sidetracked and copy something else there before I've had time to finish the Forum posting, I don't lose anything.  Also, interruptions in power supplies can occur unexpectedly, so if that happens you'll lose your clipboard contents as well.

It's an extension of my Backup, Backup, Backup regime.  :D  Works for me anyway.


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2010, 08:20:53 PM »
Yes, and oddly, it does seem to happen more often when you have written an epistle, doesnt it ::)

The older forums were notorious. It was a regular occurence. They use to timeout, so that more or less guaranteed you'd lose that article you'd spent just a little bit more than your allocated time writing ;D

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2010, 09:04:10 PM »
And, I thought I was going NUTS!!

Usually, when I am doing a post to the Forum, I will do it in M/S Word and then copy and paste to the Forum.
Same basic idea, I guess. Save it in Word, if I need too.

The other day, I came across a 'cheat sheet' of keybord shortcuts of both 'Ctrl' and 'F-keys'. Didn't know there are so many. Haven't tried them all yet. Also, 'Alt'.

- Toby

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2010, 12:07:20 PM »
Hi George,

I am slow off the mark and have just tuned in to this thread. Congratulations on the websire which I think is great. I have tried out the demos which I find very clear so full marks for those too.

My only slight reservation is the video tutorials which is my problem rather than yours. Being pretty deaf I am very slow to catch on. It is not just yours, I have other programmes which use videos and I just can't get on with them either. I have one particular programme which gives me great trouble because the tutorials are ONLY in video form. I much prefer the demos you have done which are clear and I can take at my own pace. (I always have the subtitles showing on the telly).

Out of interest the video on my broadband took 3 minutes to download.

All in all though, something to be very proud of, George!

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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2010, 03:38:45 PM »
Thanks Eric!

Its a BIG file for a 3 minute video clip!

I much prefer the screenshots which I can produce with that Snagit software.
The hearing problem is a major consideration, for many people, so another good reason to continue with that route.
Glad you liked the ones Ive done so far! More to come very soon :)

The Video demos on DVD would be a runner for those who are fortunate to have good hearing.
Its all down to time though! I could run off a video or two but it takes a few "shoots" to get it anywhere near to being acceptable.
I'd need a "forgiving audience" :D


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Re: Demos and Screenshots in ideasgenie website
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2010, 05:17:02 PM »
Its all down to time though! I could run off a video or two but it takes a few "shoots" to get it anywhere near to being acceptable.
I'd need a "forgiving audience" :D
I don't think you'd have a problem there George - we are all very forgiving here.  :D

Whatever you decide to do, whether it's just screenshots or screenshots and videos on DVD, we would support you all the way.

I know your time is limited and your workload is heavy, so whatever we get from you is a big bonus.  ;)


P.S. Does any of that count as suitable grovelling points and qualify me to award myself a Gold Star.  Tee hee.  ::)