Fruit and Vegetable Gardening > General discussion

Catshead or Pigs snout

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New varieties to me Eric - I had to do a bit of surfin'.

I like the description of the Ashmeads
Are they Ashmeads Kernel?

100 pounds and that's only from one tree :o
You must like apples :D

Thanks for the tip for dealing with Bitter pit.
My Bramleys suffer from that. Fortunately, only one or two discovered this year - and its always in the big ones! Very disappointing  :'(
I'd like to hear if it worked from you.

No evidence of Apple scab on them this year either - that Dithane spray you didn't like must have worked!
Mind you, I gathered all fallen apples last year so the disease didn't emerge from the ground level in spring, so that may also have helped.

--- Quote ---Then that just leaves the 12 or so Court Pendu Plat to pick
--- End quote ---
I'm very curious - 12 apples or 12 trees :-\

12 apples!
I made holes with a big wrecking bar all the way round the Ashmead's Kernel tree and our Bramley and put Calcium carbonate powder down each hole. It seems to have worked. Mind it is also a seasonal thing, weather plays a part in whether the tree can take up the Calcium it needs. You can also spray with liquid Calcium at the right time of year, ie when the blossom falls. Never tried that though.
Our Greensleeves apple was the only one really badly affected by Scab this year and I never got round to spraying it so my fault probably, though it is prone to it in any case.

This page gives rather worrying "side effects" from spraying:
Enough to put me off! Your method looks safer Eric!

As I said I have never tried spraying. And in my case I use Calcium carbonate which is or was available from Chempak . The box I got will last my lifetime I reckon.


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