Bank Genie > Requests and suggestions for additional features

Control-enter to complete the action

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At my request George implemented "control-enter" to complete entering transactions (similar to a feature I used on Quicken very frequently); this saves moving to the bottom of the screen (BS421S03) and clicking ADD.

There are a lot of other places where this shortcut could be used. The one that most often hits me is in BS408 which using the search option to find (for example) all transactions whose payee is XXXYYY. After clicking on Search, and entering XXXYYY in the data field it would be nice to hit control-enter instead of moving to the search button in BS408S06.

(basically hitting control enter is one action; using the mouse to move to Search and then clicking is more work)

I would like also to encourage George to introduce this in other screens where the usage is obvious.

BG PRO to me is a very impressing programme every time I use it I find something new and I am still learning all the functions on it, I would go as far as saying it is 100% better than the other money programme I used to use, free updates, support when you need it you don't get help like that from the other money programme needless to say I have been converted


Thank you :)
Its ever improving thanks to your suggestions and requests.

Ive now implemented Ctrl-Enter in BS408S06 Barry.
Send me an email with other screens where you'd like this feature.
Its a wet day so I'll try and do some more today and set up an update for all to download.

I'd like to hear from other Bank Genie users on Ctrl-Enter.
Does anyone use it when adding/editing transactions in BS421S03 (Bank Genie Pro) and BS421S31 (Bank Genie 4)?

Thanks George. I will note instances as I find them


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