What we do when we are not gardening > Creative Writing

Book printing

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Well the draft of the first book has gone off to the Editor today. We shall see what happens. This is not one of the stories I put on here.
This is a long one similar in some ways to The Silver Sword or I Am David.
Editor is elder son and he will publish it as a book eventually.

What is the title of the book Eric? Keep us posted on developments here please.
 I didn't know your son was an editor! It must run in the family :D

He is only the unofficial editor, but he has done a couple of very, very technical books (now standard reading in Universities) so he knows the ins and outs of the process. Amazon do a very good self publishing service so we will use that.
No proper title for the book as yet. Working title is "The Walkers." but I do not like it so we are trying to come up with a better name.

Progress is a bit slow. We have come up with a snappier title, but we are having difficulty finding a suitable picture for the cover. Amazing how many mistakes we have found despite the number of times and people who have read the story.

The book is printed and available on Amazon. It is called Flight to The Betty. What a fantastic birthday present.


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