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Offline diegartenfrau

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An application for a SWAP database
« on: January 05, 2008, 02:43:06 AM »
I have a question about the swap data base.

I am thinking maybe I should separate my flower garden from the vegetable garden, I just don't like when I look at all the plants in the garden, my vegetables are mixed all with the flowers.

Now I started already making a separate garden areas/bed for different years in the original data base. Now if I make a swap, and I back up all the data to it I will have ALL the data from the original in there, but I only want the vegetable garden info. Is there a way I only can transfer the vegetable garden info? Or do I have to back everything up into the swap and then delete all the flower garden info?

But what happens if I want to back up that info, isn't it then all mixed up again?
Or do I then make a separate backup folder for the vegetable swap and use another for the flower garden?

Just wondering how I would go about that. I don't want to start all over inputting the vegetable garden data. if I don't have to.


Online ideasguy

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 10:02:45 PM »
Hi Isabell
Ive split the topic where you posted this message, and it is now a NEW topic (i.e. this one).
Its a very interesting posting, but wasnt related to the thread where it was originally posted.
Hope you understand!!

I am thinking maybe I should separate my flower garden from the vegetable garden, I just don't like when I look at all the plants in the garden, my vegetables are mixed all with the flowers.

The key thing here is that you dont want to have flowers and vegetables in the same database. That makes sense.
In a database, the plants are shared by all the gardeners you add to the database.
The only way to separtate the plants is to have two databases.

Currently there  is no way to split the Veg from Flowers.
I frequently DO do that, but I have to write a special, and very specific  program.

Heres how you (and other members) should achieve this configuration.
First make a SWAP database.
The process is already descriobed on this forum, under Ideas Genie. Heres the link:,210.0.html

Suggestion: Substitute VEGETABLES for SWAP in the example above.
You now have 2 identical databases.
Use GA026 and switch to the VEGETABLES database.
To make VERY sure you know exactly what database you are in:
Add a plant - a Vegetable, which is NOT in the original database.

Use GA026 and switch back to your original database.
The new plant should NOT be there. Its in the other database.

When you can confidently SWAP (SWITCH) between databases using GA026:
Delete all VEG in the original database
Delete all FLOWERS in the VEG database

This process is much easier in IG Pro 5 (and now IG 5)
Ive done extensive work on GA026 and GA201 (the backup program)

But what happens if I want to back up that info, isn't it then all mixed up again?

No, absolutley not.
If you do a backup to a folder, IG will overwrite the old one. It will never merge (mix up) the data.

Or do I then make a separate backup folder for the vegetable swap and use another for the flower garden?
Yes, that is the correct method
« Last Edit: January 05, 2008, 10:58:15 PM by ideasguy »

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2008, 11:33:01 PM »
Thanks George,

this is exactly how I did it in the end.

So, I will be working on it this week end. I will share what I come up with.
I took this week off, to do whatever I please. No cooking, no cleaning, no laundry. >lol<
After all the holiday craziness, I well deserve it. We had Family here from Midwest for weeks. Last year I never got to do anything on the program there I spend the Time with family in Germany.


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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 12:24:43 AM »
It seems this holiday craziness is a universal thing. Somewhere along the way, the meaning of Christmas has been lost, I fear.
Enjoy the well deserved holiday, Isabell  :)

I'm really pleased to see you are getting time to explore IG Pro. The feedback is very much appreciated.
I knew you were originally from Germany. How long have you been living in US?
You have certainly mastered the language very well.
Were you a gardener when you lived in Germany?

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2008, 02:23:39 AM »
The Holiday craziness I think is much worse in the US then in Germany.
Here you go from Thanksgiving right into Christmas. You barely clean up the kitchen from the Thanksgiving Meal and go right into Christmas preparations. Some People, believe it or not, put up their Christmas lights the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day, right after their Meal. Crazy or not?

Sometimes I feel like just dropping Thanksgiving day, it gets in the way of my Christmas mood and starting early on my cookie baking >lol<.
To me as a German,  Thanksgiving doesn't have much meaning aside of eating a nice Meal.
If you believe it, on of the biggest shopping days is right on Thanksgiving day. Americans seem to like to go shop for more stuff on the major Holidays or right the day after.

Christmas seems to be much more of a rush, more commercial in nature over here. Nobody has time to reflect on the season, to slow down and just enjoy the season. It is just a constant rush. I hate to go shopping during this time, I avoid it if I can. The stores are overcrowded, employees are stressed out and it is anything then enjoyable. I buy a lot online nowadays, or buy during the year and stash it away.

I think, the US could use some nice relaxing 'Weihnachtsmarket' like we have in Germany, some hot Cider, burned Almonds and roasted Chestnuts in your hands, enjoying the season outside, looking at handmade crafts. ;)

It will be 25 years in November, since I moved to the US. Not completely native yet, but getting there >lol<
Thanks for your compliment about mastering the language. You know in Germany everybody learns English in School. When I was a kid from 5th grade on, now they start in early Elementary Years. So I had a lot of English knowledge before I came, just not much practice.

Noooo,  ::)I wouldn't have dreamed back then to become a gardener. Gardening to me back then, meant a chore I had to do for my parents (weeding the strawberry bed for example) I did not like working in the garden back then.   ;D

Not until we got our first, very own House did I start gardening. Once I had Kids, I wanted to grow the vegetables I fed them, back then there was no organic veggies to have, US Farmers sprayed the most horrifying chemicals on their crops, Daily News talked about 'Alar' on Apples, other sprays on strawberries, carrots, celery. Especially the food little children eat, were sprayed with pesticides. I wanted to avoid to feed my kids toxins, that's how I started to grow my own food.

Tomorrow I share the garden divisions I made up for the vegetable garden Data base.

Gotta go. Cooking Dinner


Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2008, 04:02:09 AM »
Hi George,

I want to try to backup my vegetable/swap database, but I am still unsure how to go about it.

You said above, the data would never be mixed, but it would overwrite the data.
But if it overwrites the data, wouldn't I then loose the backup data from the Flower garden database, The original database.

So for example, I made 2nd  Database (Vegetable),  deleted all data about flowers in there, the old database (flower) I deleted all data about the vegetables. Now, I have a backup folder on my flash drive I already backed up my database to. So now I back up my flower data into there, it will overwrite the old data and now this backup only has the flower data on it.
Switch to Swap data base, I want to backup this also. If I back it up to the alternate/flash drive backup folder it would overwrite the flower garden backup, wouldn't it? So do I have to make a second folder on there and what do I name the 2nd backup folder on the Flash drive so it gets still recognized by the program? I can't name it like H:\igdata_sets\backup\igdata because I don't want to backup and overwrite the flowergarden data. But I thought the backup folder had to have the word 'backup' in there so the program knows to backup into it. So I cannot call it 'igdata_set\swap\igdata' right?

Just a bit confused, It is not clear to me how to do that.


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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2008, 10:41:38 AM »
I'll try and clarify this, Isabell
You said above, the data would never be mixed, but it would overwrite the data.

When you do a backup into the same folder as a previous backup, then the previous backup is overwritten.

Since you now have two distinct databases, 1) Flower and 2) Vegetable , then you will need to maintain two distinct set of Backups, one for each database.

I would suggest you create the following folders for your backups:

By using this structure H:\igdata_sets\ANYTHING-YOU-LIKE-HERE\igdata you conform to SWAP requirements, and they will appear in the Data Source pop-up in action programs.
In your case (If you have your flash inserted), you will see two new entries in the Data Source Pop-up list, viz:

IG Pro 5 is half way across the Atlantic to you as I write.
When you get it installed, you will find that Backups are now called Backup Folder No 1, and Backup Folder No 2.
As before, in System Paths - GA196 you can configure those paths.
Point Backup Folder No 1 to Backup-Flower, No 2 to Backup-Veg

But I thought the backup folder had to have the word 'backup' in there so the program knows to backup into it.
No. It does NOT need the word backup. It can be anything you like.

Does that help, Isabell?
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 10:49:08 AM by ideasguy »

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2008, 08:01:44 PM »

thank you again. Yes, I think that will help. Looks straight forward. I will try it out later.
I will then be able to tell you for sure if it helped >grin<

The IG Pro 5 came yesterday, things come a lot quicker from Irland then from Germany it seems.
I will install that, after I backed up my data.
Will keep you posted.

greetings from today sunny Eugene, OR


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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2008, 09:43:32 PM »
Its easy enough when you fully understand things, so dont hesitate to ask.

3 days delivery time Ireland to USA.
That is a record  :)
I count 5 days as a good delivery!
From the same despatch date, Andre got his on Monday as well - 3 days Ireland to Belgium is also good!

Send a little of that sun over here, Isabell! Its a bit wet here, although its not as cold as it was last week.

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2008, 10:44:44 PM »

it won't let me make another folder called H:\igdata_sets  because there is already one of those on the flashdrive. Because the other path is already H:\igdata_sets\backup-flower\igdata
so now I have a folder called H:\New Folder\backup-veg\igdata but that won't work for backing up, right?

I will back it up for now on my other Hard drive, the one the flower data is not on, so I can install the update CD


Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2008, 10:58:51 PM »
I figured it out.
I renamed the igdata_sets to igdata_set and then it seems to work, it is backing the data up right now.

and it worked, everything is there


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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2008, 11:34:05 PM »
It has to be igdata_sets (not igdata_set) for the program (e.g. GA037) to recognise it as a SWAP Isabell

What you have (without the s at the end, id fine as a backup though,as you have correctly said.

Fiddle about with those folder names again (and referring to the notes in my previous reply above) and try to set it up so you can make it work as a SWAP, Isabell.
It will be a good exercise.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 11:37:31 PM by ideasguy »

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2008, 11:49:32 PM »
I don't know how to get around that, aside of getting another flash drive. It doesn't like 2 folders with the same name, I don't think there is a way around that, is there?

I bought a 4 gig flash drive, just so I could use it for my program updates.

another problem, now I upgraded and I got the folders from my old IG pro in there, but when I want to switch to my other backup I get this message

>>>There is a Database Version mismatch

Core Database Version  :  5
SWITCH database version:  3

You ARE permitted to switch to the selected database:

However, IF YOU SWITCH:-
Some programs may not work as normal AND may give System Errors
NOTE that SWITCH on start has been disabled<<<

I made another backup on D:\igdata_sets\Backup-Veg\igdata to access the old data. How do I incorporate the Vegetable data base into the new program?


Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2008, 12:07:37 AM »
So I clicked on switch anyway, even though it advised me there could be problems.
I noticed none on the data actually was the vegetable garden data, it was the same data (the flower garden data) then before I switched. so now I can't work on inputting more vegetable names into that database, aside I keep working in the old IG Pro until we figure why it is not working.

Maybe I do that, I can still do backups into the old swap database and then once you figure it out and it works all fine I can move the data in. right?

a little bit frustrated right now
Isabell :(

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2008, 12:21:21 AM »

I just noticed you are still up. You shouldn't be working now, it is late. You don't need to solve my problem right now. I am just on the other side of the Ocean across the continent, so I am having problems right now but they can wait until tomorrow to fix.

don't you need sleep?  You know, they just did those studies that people on Night shift having more health problems later in life, not enough melatonin produced in sleep.

You're no owl
Isabell  ;D

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2008, 02:01:35 AM »

I tried to use the old IG pro with the vegetable data base. Now although I switch to the Vegetable data base, I always get the flower garden data base. Doesn't matter what folder I point it to.

I hope my vegetable data is not lost.  ???

even when I try to point it to the flash drive, I get only the flower garden data base. Weird I address the folder
E:\igdata_sets\backup-veg\igdata    and still I get the flower garden instead.


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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2008, 02:14:59 AM »

I just removed the IG Pro 5, thinking maybe then I get the old vegetable data base back.
I am really bummed. Everything I worked on in the last weeks seems to be lost. For some reason the IG Pro 5 changed every database into the flower garden database, and I did not do any backup through the program. It did it all on its own. all I did was trying to switch to the vegetable data base when it gave me that message.
>>Core Database Version  :  5
SWITCH database version:  3

You ARE permitted to switch to the selected database:

However, IF YOU SWITCH:-
Some programs may not work as normal AND may give System Errors
NOTE that SWITCH on start has been disabled<<<

even the flash drive data, which was intact before. I should have disconnected the flash drive. But then, I didn't know it would do that. What do I do now???

That upgrade did not go so well.
Mensch Meier

Isabell :'( :o ???

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2008, 11:03:16 AM »
I took your advice, and turned the computer off at approx 1:00 am. It would have taken a while to answer your posting, but on reflection, it may have saved an awful lot of trouble if I'd done it there and then.

Everything I worked on in the last weeks seems to be lost
Since you only upgraded to IG Pro 5 yesterday, all your work should be intact in your previous IG pro installation Iasbell.

Since this has become a support problem, and since it is a problem specific to your installation, we shall take this off-line and deal with your problems quickly by email.

To start the email support, Isabell, please send me an email with your current status, and we'll take it from there (off-line from the forum).
When "sorted", we can resume this thread.

Heres answers to the questions in your postings above:
I don't know how to get around that, aside of getting another flash drive. It doesn't like 2 folders with the same name, I don't think there is a way around that, is there?
At this stage, you had created a folder structure called igdata_sets
You appeared to be trying to create a second folder of the same name.
You cant do that (Windows doesnt allow you to create 2 folders of the same name)
More importantly, You dont need to do that!
Once you've got the igdata_sets folder created, you open that folder (using My Computer, or Windows Explorer), and create sub folders within it
To make the first SWAP folder, create a folder called FLOWERS (ANY name will do)
If you need 2 SWAP folders, create a second folder called VEG (again ANY name will do)
You now have 2 folders UNDER the folder igdata_sets
The paths to the folders you have created are:

Now you have to open EACH of the folders, and create sub folders within them, as follows
Open c:\igdata_sets\FLOWERS (using My Computer, or Windows Explorer)
Create a folder called igdata (it MUST be that name exactly- to work as a SWAP)
The path to the folder you have created is:

Now go up, open VEG folder, and create an igdata folder in the VEG folder
Open c:\igdata_sets\VEG (using My Computer, or Windows Explorer)
Create a folder called igdata (it MUST be that name exactly- to work as a SWAP)
The path to the folder you have created is:

Use GA196. Point Backup No 1 to c:\igdata_sets\FLOWERS\igdata, and point Backup No 2 to c:\igdata_sets\VEG\igdata
Use GA201 to backup to c:\igdata_sets\FLOWERS\igdata when using the FLOWERS database
Use GA201 to backup to c:\igdata_sets\VEG\igdata when using the VEG database

Next question:
another problem, now I upgraded and I got the folders from my old IG pro in there, but when I want to switch to my other backup I get this message
>>>There is a Database Version mismatch
Core Database Version  :  5
SWITCH database version:  3
Once you upgrade to Version 5, the program does allow you to use older version databases, but gives that warning. Its for your own protection.
If you want to use (and add/edit/delete) it in IG Pro Version 5, then the database should to be upgraded to 5.

For some reason the IG Pro 5 changed every database into the flower garden database, and I did not do any backup through the program. It did it all on its own. all I did was trying to switch to the vegetable data base when it gave me that message.

I would like to assure users that this does not happen "all on its own".
We shall establish what the problem when we take this off line, so as not to cause more confusion here

That upgrade did not go so well.
This problem has nothing to do with the upgrade Isabell
Again, We shall establish what the problem when we take this off line, so as not to cause more confusion here
« Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 01:04:35 PM by ideasguy »

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2008, 09:54:13 PM »
well, George did it again,

he helped me to work through this and although I still don't understand what went wrong the first time (Because I really did not do any backup right after the install) with George's instructions I am up and running.
I did loose all that Vegetable data, but luckily I had a lot of it still in the flower data base, I never deleted the Vegetable data in there, so I only lost a couple weeks of work. And I am working away here to get it all back in there.

George is really good in explaining the procedure step by step, I wouldn't have gotten there without him ;)

So all is good


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Re: An application for a SWAP database
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2008, 11:26:34 PM »
Thanks for that Isabell!
I'll pull together the essentials of our emails and use to to update the documentation.
Thanks for your patience, and thanks for not giving up