Gardens open to the Public > Good gardens to visit (Ireland)

Belfast Botanic Gardens

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Lyn and Malcolm:

"Now, another question. How does it do in your garden? Is it a "good un" ??"

Bit of a job to say George.
We have only had it for 3 weeks  ;)  not enough time to kill it yet.

I am impessedwith the way IG pro can make the website like you have shown with the Belfast Botanic gardens. I am considering including our database of plants, on our website. We have plenty of space

 I now have 950 of our plants entered in IG pro, still looking through my collection of pictures to add to the plant, guess I have over half so far, with pictures.
But alas no descriptions entered, need some more time for that.

Have just finished making the cakes for our open tomorrow, and the quiches to feed our unpaid helpers who stay with us all day. We usually make them on Friday, but knew it was due to rain today (Sat), so out in the garden yesterday and cooking today!


Don't kill it   :o
We are waiting in anticipation for your "report".  :)
We'll just have to wait and see. Is it in flower now? I take it that is is, since you quickly recognised the one depicted at Belfast Botanic Gardens.

I'm pleased you like the WPG web sites, Malcolm.
You can use it to generate similar web pages for your own plants, and publish on your own server.

I suggest we do a small web set to begin with so you can see the process from start to finish.
Having done that, you can then plant out how to do the 950 plants. Now, I DO want to see that!
It will be much easier to do them in small groups. How you make up those groups can be planned after you've got one through the steps, and published.

How did you manage to key in 950 plants in such a short time? That is amazing, Malcolm - particularly since you (obviously) have been busy working to keep your garden in sparkling condition for your open days. I salute you!


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