Our Gardens > creating an edge of woodgarden area

bad soil


The soil in this part of the garden is rather neglected, too compact and cold. In order to improve its structure it is simple dug, then sifted compost is incorporated à rato of 1 wheelbarrow / 1 sq. metre. A handful of bonemeal is added as organic fertilizer.
About the compost heap: all the green waste of garden and kitchen goes on it. This is best done in layers: a layer of grass, a layer of leaves, a.s.o. The bacteriae and earth worms do the good work. In the beginning a lot of warmth is produced: this is a good sign because it means there is sufficient oxygen in the material (this aerobic metabolism is needed to transform the waste to compost). When this process declines I reverse the whole heap. The exterior goes interior and some fresh material is added to improve again the bacterial working. All in all this takes 1 to 2 years in my experience to make soft and well digested compost.


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