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A technical question about the Lilium family.

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Thanks to Paul, I found this:

Note this paragraph from that web page:

--- Quote ---The existing lettering is retained with flower habit given first, separated from flower form by a forward slash mark (/). Thus the entry for 1(b/c) 'Aloft' represents an Asiatic Lily (Division 1) with out-facing, flat-faced flowers.
--- End quote ---

Lyn and Malcolm:
Thank you George
It is now much clearer.

So Lilium Triumphator = 'Zanlophator' (PBR) (VIIIb/a-b)
The b/a-b) part would be flowers Outward facing Trumpet OR Bowl shaped flowers.

And Lilium Golden Splendor Group (VIb-c/a)
The  b-c/a) part would be flowers Outward OR Downward facing Trumpet shaped flowers.

Assuming the - means OR in both cases.

Thanks to you both for unraveling this for me, it was one of those things you see but don't understand and need to know.   8)


Golden Splendour



--- Quote ---So Lilium Triumphator = 'Zanlophator' (PBR) (VIIIb/a-b)
The b/a-b) part would be flowers Outward facing Trumpet OR Bowl shaped flowers.
--- End quote ---
I'm wondering if that - can be interpreted as "TO" - thus:
The b/a-b) part would be flowers Outward facing with Trumpet TO Bowl shaped flowers ???
Perhaps Paul can shed more light

Lovely photos Malcolm ;) Superb quality.

Lyn and Malcolm:

Yes TO would make more sense George. It seems we have now cracked the code. ;D
I have know copied the information down.


or may be with opening as Trumpet and maturing to Bowl shaped flowers  :-\
Looking forward to comments from Paul.


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