Guru indeed Toby... which leads me back to George.

When I first tried out these Tutorials, I have to admit it threw me a little at first. In fact I had to contact George to see if they were not performing correctly.
I'll explain... I was just following a randomTutorial as a 'test', which is what George has asked us all to do, to see how we got on with them.
As I attempted to follow the instructions for the first step I minimised the tutorial window. I lost cursor control. Couldn't do anything. So I thought, how can I follow along with these instructions step-by-step if I can't interact.
I contacted George, who explained that the tutorial box for each step had to be
closed. Then when that particular step had been completed, I had to press the
Tutorial button again to continue to the next one.
Duh!! I hadn't read his instructions for using the tutorial correctly.

I have been used to following tutorials for other things in the past by minimising the tutorial window, doing the procedure, then maximising the tutorial window again and carrying on.
I had assumed George had programmed his tutorials the same way. No, he hadn't. So, the key thing here is to read everything carefully first. Once I'd got the principle involved, the tutorial worked great... as it was supposed to.
George hadn't expected anyone doing this, so as a result of my feedback, he is going to disable the 'minimise' button of the tutorial screens so this can't happen again.

This really is what prompted the start of this thread. George thought, how many other people have run into difficulties such as I had, but had not wanted to say anything at the risk of upsetting him?
Well, the point is if you think you have discovered an 'anomaly' and think it is your fault because you're not using the program correctly, so decide to say nothing, then if it really is a problem it will go undetected for other people to have deal with it.
George has asked us for feedback. So by reporting things to him, we are doing what he asked us to do. By virtue of this he is not going to take offence. Most of the time it is going to be a result of user error, sometimes not, but George would prefer this than to not have any feedback at all.
I do a lot of 'beta' testing for George when new features are added, and give him the appropriate feedback. He trusts my judgement through my experience of using computers for a long time. But he also wants other members/program users to comment as well.
For various reasons, some people are just not able to spend time doing this, and will only report something if a specific problem arises.
Most of what George asks us to do is fairly straightforward, and doesn't involve a lot of personal time.
So, please do what you can to test all the features of the programs you are using.
If anything seems to be not working as expected, post your concerns here if it is to do with Tutorials, but post other concerns in the appropriate section of the Forum for the particular piece of software you're using. Just scroll through the list of Forum Boards for the one you want.