Author Topic: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire  (Read 10111 times)

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Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:47:29 PM »
I started a detailed topic about our intended house move called Bitter sweet last few days, but because this involved a serious road accident I have wanted to steer clear of being reminded of it and have decided to start a fresh topic to continue our progress.  I have put the link to the original topic if you wish to catch up fully.

Anyway, it's now looking like we're very close to a completion date which has been provisionally suggested by us to our solicitor as Wednesday 8 December 2010.  Our buyers' solicitor has to confirm this with her but it doesn't look like there will be a problem.  We've pencilled the date in with our removal company as he's starting to get booked up, as December is a busy time for them.

We're actually pretty much packed already, with some everyday items to be amongst the last to be destined for our packing boxes.

Kathy has earmarked some plants to come with us.  One of them is a neat and compact Chrysanthemum shrub which she dug up from her mum's house, the name of which escapes me for now.  Another one is a form of small (at the moment anyway) Yew tree, about twelve inches tall but cost us £17 last year.  Too expensive to leave behind.  A Bay tree in a pot is also coming with us.  This one is about three feet tall and is well-established.

We're currently without a car now as the loan car has been collected from us, as we've been awarded a partial compensation.  Once the GAP part of the insurance claim is sorted out we can look to buy another vehicle.

Therefore, our intention is to travel down to Hampshire by train the day before the completion day.  The removal company loads up their van the day before anyway so they have an early start on the long journey down there.  So once they've done that we'll lock up the house, leave the keys with the estate agent and head off to the railway station.
We'll have an overnight stay in a hotel and meet up with the removal guys the next day at our new house.

We don't really mind doing it this way as we didn't fancy the idea of that long car journey again.

I'll keep you all up-to-date with future developments in this topic, and eventually post some exciting stuff about our new garden, accompanied by photos of course  :D

It's been a long and stressful time for us to get to this stage of the proceedings, so can't wait to get settled in and get some well-deserved relaxation time.  At least we'll be settled in for Christmas.


Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2010, 06:50:45 PM »
Laurie and Kathy

Thanks for updating us on your move to a new county and house.

Coming down by rail sounds a wonderfull idea, and much more relaxing at another stressfull time for you both.
Hopefully once you get moved in, you can start a new, peacefull time in the country.

Best wishes to you both


Online ideasguy

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2010, 10:38:04 PM »
Great news Kathy and Laurie :)

The train journey and the overnight stop over is a great idea.

Very best wishes for a successful completion and I hope the new house and the region you have chosen will be a realisation of your dreams.

When you have settled, I look forward to wishing you a very special Happy Christmas this year :)

Offline Palustris

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2010, 10:32:21 AM »
Excellent news.

Offline roiphil

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2010, 07:53:40 PM »
fantastic, dont forget last thing to pack is the kettle, first thing to unpack is the kettle  ;), hope it all goes well and looking forward to some piccys of your new garden throughout the process of transforming it


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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2010, 10:03:13 PM »
Thanks for all the nice comments guys.

Phil....... that kettle of ours will most certainly be taking priority in the packing - in fact it's coming with us in our 'carry-on' flight bags on the train  :D

Can't wait for all this to end and get settled in.  ::)


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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2010, 10:48:26 AM »

Phil....... that kettle of ours will most certainly be taking priority in the packing - in fact it's coming with us in our 'carry-on' flight bags on the train  :D



Offline newplantguy

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2010, 01:09:31 PM »
Excellent news about the move and looks like you are getting your car sorted. :)

Offline Trevor Ellis

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2010, 09:34:31 AM »
Hi Kathy and Laurie,

have only just now seen/read the account of your recent 'happenings' and am so glad that all seems to have taken a turn for the better. Most things have been said about both the horrendous experience you had and of the happier house/county move. I echo everyones thoughts and best wishes to you both.

Good fortune and happiness to you in your new home.




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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2010, 09:42:35 AM »
Thank you Trevor, your comments are much appreciated.



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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2010, 10:11:17 AM »
As I write we're still on a knife-edge as to whether we're moving out tomorrow as anticipated  :o

Our buyer hasn't been in to the solicitor to sign the contract yet and pay her deposit, so until that's confirmed we're stuck in this state of limbo.

We've been onto our solicitor this morning and they're trying desperately to get hold of our buyers' solicitors by phone but they're not answering their phones.  They've had to email them instead.

The estate agent in Hampshire who's handling the sale of the house we're buying has spoken to us by phone this morning, and she said that her client is planning to move out tomorrow as well.  They're now both panicking because our buyers' solicitors have been so slow throughout this whole process, that they're thinking our buyer is going to pull out at the last minute and leave us all high and dry.

Our estate agents actually spoke to our buyers' son on Friday and got the impression from him that the completion date of 8 December is not a problem.  But until we get the signature on their contract nothing is set in stone.

Because of this, we still can't commit to 8 December with our removal company to empty our house tomorrow.  We've provisionally booked them for that date and they rang us this morning to ask for confirmation.  So all we could do was tell them we'd confirm the date a.s.a.p. after we've heard from our solicitors.

Although our house is almost fully packed we've had to put the rest on hold for now until we hear something definite.

This is a nightmare!!!!!!!!!  >:(  >:(

Kathy and Laurie pulling their hair out in frustration  :'(

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 10:14:29 AM by Kathy & Laurie »

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2010, 05:20:14 PM »

A nightmare Laurie indeed.........its ridiculous, there should be a law or something, that the money should be exchanged a fortnight or whatever before completion date. How can you, or the removals and services work to a shedule.

The weather has been a worry for you, you certainly didn't need this.

Please keep us in touch here, for as long as you can Laurie.

Thinking of you both.



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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2010, 05:22:08 PM »
Thanks Malcolm.  It's turning into a real farce.

The latest news is that our buyer can't get into her solicitors office to sign her contract until 4pm tomorrow!  >:( Why? - don't ask!  I wish we knew.  It's been nothing but delay after delay from their end, and we're fed up with it all.
Another annoyance is that our buyer is in rented accommodation 5 minutes away from our house.  She could move in at her leisure whilst we have to travel to the other end of the country.  We'd expected her to be a bit more considerate and push for earlier contract signing.

Once she's signed, the exchange of contracts and electronic transfer of funds for us all won't be completed until Wednesday morning.

We've spoken to our removal company again this afternoon and they're going to try and re-arrange things to accommodate us.  They'll probably be able to empty our house on Wednesday lunchtime but we don't know when they'll be able to deliver all our stuff to the new house.  They were originally supposed to be travelling down there on Wednesday which was the second day they had already allocated us.
They're going to ring us back later today when they've tried to re-arrange things.  It may be a case of them getting here on Wednesday and putting our stuff temporarily into storage until they can schedule another day for us to do the long journey.  This means we could have to stay a few nights in hotels down there until we can meet up with them.
Unbelieveable!  >:(  :'(

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 05:56:12 PM by Kathy & Laurie »

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2010, 06:01:35 PM »

I have been starimg at your last post for several minutes Laurie, trying to think of somethimg to say. And also thinking of the feelings you both must have, over this whole episode, and when it will end.



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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2010, 06:13:21 PM »
Speechless just about sums it all up Malcolm.  ::)

You couldn't imagine anyone having as much bad luck that we've had from start to (almost) finish.

The thing that's keeping us sane is that they are definitely signing on Tuesday and by Wednesday we'll be starting our journey south.

Kathy says she'll welcome a couple of nights in a hotel as she needs a mini holiday after all this.


Online ideasguy

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2010, 09:47:34 PM »
Sorry to read about this additional stress Laurie. That is really hard luck.

We are snowbound over here. Son Julian with James, and an hour or so later his wife managed to get home safely, but Naomi had to abandon her car about a mile from home and walk)
We had about 3 ins on top of what we already had (2ins or so - compacted - it showed no signs of clearing since it fell a week ago).
I hope the weather will relent for you and the snags are sorted out to your satisfaction.


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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2010, 01:45:06 PM »
The latest news is GOOD  ;D

Our buyer is going into the solicitors today at 4pm to sign her contract.

We've spoken to our removal company and they will arrive at our house at 9am tomorrow morning to empty our house and they will be able to deliver the contents to our new home on Thursday 9 December.
They were able to fit us in so quickly because they had to cancel a job they had planned to Glasgow, which is still suffering from extreme snow-bound weather conditions.

We have made arrangements with Sky to visit our new home on Monday to install TV equipment but our Broadband set-up with them won't be active for a further 2 weeks.
I will need to dismantle and pack our computers this evening, so from this time on for about two to three weeks we will be offline.

We're hoping it may be sooner but probably unlikely.  :'(

We'll let you know when we're back online and give an update from our new home.


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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2010, 02:55:24 PM »
Much better news Laurie

Good luck with the move and looking forward to you getting back with us after you get re-connected in your new location.
Just in case there are "issues"

Happy Christmas!!

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 03:16:15 PM »

Hopefully you have not pulled the BIG switch on your computer yet. :(

Just to say to you both, a Happy and Peacefull Christmas and a much better New year (with lots of gardening) ;D

Malcolm and Lyn


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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 03:32:39 PM »
Thanks George and Malcolm.

I will be turning Kathy's computer off very soon and mine will be done later this evening.  I've got two large computer tables to dismantle as well, so want to give myself plenty of time.

If I don't get chance to post anything later this evening, before the big 'switch-off', I wish you both and everyone else on the Forum a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger (a.k.a. The Terminator) - "I'll Be Back".


Offline roiphil

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2010, 10:01:32 AM »
excellent news, hope it all goes well, by now you are watching all your stuff going into a lorry, now we wait for loads of pics in a couple of weeks

Offline Eric Hardy

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2010, 09:53:38 AM »
Hi Kathy & Laurie,

I have been away from the forum for quite a while for reasons I have explained to George. Now I have tuned in again and I have just been reading about the trials and tribulations of your move. You probably won't see this for a few days but I wish you the best of luck with it. Now you will know why Anthea and I have been in the same house for 55 years. We just couldn't face a move  :o 
I hope your horrifying car experience is just a distant memory too.

It will probably be near Christmas when you see this so this is sending my Christmas Greetings too.



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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2010, 03:04:04 PM »
I'm now writing this latest update whilst looking out at a woodland at the rear of our new home.

We have a resident Owl somewhere in there, which we hear each evening in the distance, but haven't as yet been able to identify it.  Had a Pheasant land on a neighbours' house roof yesterday afternoon, having flown in from the woodland.  Never got anything like this in our previous home - what a treat.

Anyway, 10am on Wednesday 8 December 2010, an hour after our removal company had arrived and started loading the lorry, we got a phone call from our our solicitors confirming the payment from our buyer had been transferred to our bank acount.  How close was that  :o  We just had to let the removal firm get on with the job and couldn't risk putting them off until we'd had this confirmation.  There wasn't really any doubt, but you never know what hitches can turn up.

It only took them 2 hours to clear the house which they said was due to the efficient way we had packed everything.  ;)  They normally allow 4 to 5 hours for a house clearance.

After handing the keys to the estate agent in their local offices we got a taxi to Middlesbrough railway station and caught the 1.10pm train.
Just once change at Eaglescliffe, then all the way to London Kings Cross - seats all the way  ;D

Changed for the next train to Christchurch, arriving at about 7.10pm.  Got a taxi to a Premier Inn for a meal and overnight stay, intending to meet up with our removal company at our new home next day in the afternoon.
Got a call from them on our mobile at 8.20am the following day to say they would be at the house within the hour.  :o  Panic stations.  We weren't due to collect the keys from the estate agent until 9am.  Fortunately we were up and dressed so got a taxi to the estate agents in New Milton, got the keys, then jumped back into the taxi that had waited for us.
Arrived at our house with about 20 minutes to spare before the removal guys turned up.
Apparently they had decided to travel down overnight, sleeping in the van on an industrial estate in the early hours of the morning once they'd been driving their maximum allowance.

Just took them about 2 hours to unload again.  Finally, we were both able to breathe a sigh of relief and sit down and relax in our new surroundings.  The ordeal was over... we'd made it.  PHEW!!! ;D

We'd left thick snow behind us and arrived to clear roads and fine conditions.  We noted on the train journey down the previous day, that by the time we had reached Peterborough the snow had at last cleared.

Our neighbours are really great.  Very friendly and we even got to exchange Christmas cards from all the ones we'd spoken to since our arrival.  Something we'd not been used to up north in our urban environment.
The country air must make people more friendly down here.  :D

We've almost got all of our boxes unpacked, making use of the attached garage as a temporary storage area for the ones still to be dealt with.

We've made a start on tidying the front garden, and although there are some established shrubs such as Rhododendron, a couple of Hydrangeas and rose bushes, we'll wait until we can see what else comes up later on before we start digging over the borders.

The garden goes all around the house, so you can literally walk in circles around it.  Not too big that we couldn't manage it comfortably, but the front garden (being the biggest area) will be our show-piece.

Anyway, I'll get some photos of how the garden looks now and take comparison pics as the gardens develop.  I'll post the photos in due course.

We've managed to get a new car ordered from a local garage and hope to take delivery in early January 2011.  Taxi fares to get around here have worked out very expensive.  We couldn't even do our food shopping online and get it delivered, as we've only just got our phone line activated for our broadband connection.
A car is definitely a must here.  Being out in the country the walking distances are so much further.  Not that we're complaining of course.  This is exactly what we wanted.  Out in the open spaces without being in the middle of nowhere.  :)

The skies are so much clearer here too.  Away from the built-up area we left behind, where the street lights and pollution made stargazing awkward, we can see the constellations with much more clarity.  Astronomy is another one of our passions, so I'll be setting up our telescope when I get chance to unpack it, and treat ourselves to the wonders of our night skies.  :D

So, that's it for now.  No doubt we'll have plant ID questions to ask as time goes by and we discover what is planted in our gardens that is unfamiliar to us.  And getting used to coming from alkaline soil to acid soil.  That's one job for our PH meter.


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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2010, 12:32:08 AM »
What a great start! Delighted to read all that, Kathy and Laurie, and very best wishes for the future!

Efficient and organised seems to be very apt in your way of life. Well done :)

I used to do a bit of astronomy, but its a long time ago now, but not much in light years ;D
Maybe some day I will have time to communicate with you on that subject.

The plant ID's will be fun for all here. At this time of year, deciduous shrubs and herbaceous perennials don't have much going for them, but when they emerge from their slumbers, I'm sure you will have many pleasant surprises.

Offline Trevor Ellis

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Re: Our new house in the New Forest, Hampshire
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2010, 12:40:19 PM »
Glad to see that your tribulations are over Cathy & Laurie.

A healthy, positive and happy 2011 to you both - and of course to all our members and readers.
