Gardens open to the Public > Good gardens to visit (UK)

The Lost Gardens of Heligan


I visited Hekigan in August 2003, and made up a SWAP CD of the photos, for use with all the Genie gardening programs, FG,IG and IG Pro (and Bonsai Genie).
Heres a few photos of mystery plants. Do you know what they are?

The first was taken in the Sundial garden, the second in the Rockery close to the Ravine
Remember- flowering in mid August

The Gardener:
Hi George

The first plant is Zauchneria californica (probably!).  The second one is definitely some kind of Pulsatilla.  They usually flower in spring, but 2003 was an exceptional year, and it's not unheard of for plants to flower way out of season.


I thnk you've got it Chrissie

Heres a page with a close up photo of the flowers, per your ID:'dublin'.jpg

As I recall, the foliage was very distinctive.

The second one sure does look like a Pulsatilla, but it had me in doubt about its flowering time.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I had a feeling it might have been an Anemone.

Thanks for your help! Very much appreciated. I've a "few" more photos to be ID'd so that should keep us occupied for a while yet.


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