Gardens open to the Public > Good gardens to visit (UK)

Bodnant Gardens


Went today as you need good light to take photos. Autumn colour just beginning.

You took a LOT of photos Eric.

You captured many good autumn colour shots on what must have been a lengthy "dander" :D
Its a world famous garden renowned for the wonderful plants grown there. How far is it from your home?

The borders towards the end would have held most interest for me. It would be very nice to see those well stocked borders each month during the growing season to see the full diversity. I'm sure they are truly spectacular. There is lots of colour and interest at this time of year as you have witnessed.

Many thanks for your supreme efforts to share these photos with us on the forum.
One has to do that just once to appreciate the amount of time and effort goes into it.
I hope other forum members will comment.

The borders  at the end are very much end of season spectacles with Dahlias and hot coloured bedding plants. They are not so colourful in Spring or mid summer.
Bodnant is about 65 miles from home, but via good dual carriage ways so not an arduous drive. We go about one a month over the year. And, do we have a lot of photographs? You bet!

Eric Hardy:
Anthea has just had a birthday and knowing her love of gardens a very good friend chose to send her a very lavish card with a beautiful photo of flowers at Bodnant.

Eric H

Happy birthday Anthea :)
I hope you enjoyed the celebrations.
What a coincidence to get that card :D


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