Suppliers > Plant Suppliers

Gower Fuchsias

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Thanks again, Kathy and Laurie. What would I do without you. Thank you for your support all week. I can see you visiting the forum regularly even though its gone very quiet.
This Catalog thing is interesting!

Well, the title of the Forum says it all George - "Ideas Genie Community".

The community spirit here is the common interest we all have for growing plants and/or vegetables, learning new gardening skills and sharing our knowledge with other gardeners, be they novices or experts.  We can all learn something new or different to try.

As with any community, either on the Internet or out in the 'real' world, there will be active participants and those who just 'drop in' from time to time, wherever the meeting place happens to be.  Many people have a heavy work schedule with limited free time, work away from home, share their computer with other family members and have other personal commitments.  All sorts of things can conspire against you, no matter how willing the spirit is to do other things.

However, the success of any community venture are the 'regular' visitors who give their input, no matter how big or small that may be. 

We think some people can feel slightly inhibited putting their thoughts into a Forum environment for everyone to see, and are afraid that their comments will be thought of as trivial, stupid or boring.  But if you don't participate then you never really get to 'know' other people, and the more you get involved then obviously you will get to know each other better.  The inhibitions will then go away.  ;)  A bit of jovial banter is a good way of lightening up people's moods, so there's nothing wrong with that either.  :)

As you have said previously, you can't force people to participate in the Forum, so it's really encouraging when more and more people log in and get chatting.

We can only really speak for ourselves here.  Our enjoyment comes with having the time to be regular Forum members, and posting new topics or replying to existing ones.  Our input may not always be filled with groundbreaking facts, but we like to acknowledge other contributors' thoughts, comments and photographs they submit.  It's human nature to be liked and we, just as anyone else does, appreciate acknowledgment of what we have to offer.

There are many categories on this Forum to chip in some personal 'stuff' as well, other than gardening, so there are plenty of opportunities to share our other interests to help 'break the ice.'

Okay, time to get off our soap-box now.  ;D

Just let us know the details for the catalog test when you're ready, and just how far we can go with the 'testing' process.  For example, at this stage we obviously don't want to place 'real' orders, so would like to know how far this aspect can be tested.


That is a very well constructed posting Laurie!
I agree with everything you say, and you've said it very VERY well.

May I have your permission to use an extract from that on the web site?

I was actually feeling a little embarassed by the lack of input last week, while you visited loyally and stayed logged in, responding to the few postings that came along - in this case, mainly about the website I did for Col on his Native plants of West Australia.
I'm pleased to note that you are patient - the main "ingredient" for a great gardener!

Its a good time to explain that most members have never been forum users before, so it takes time to get the feel for the spirit of a forum. That may visiting and reading, and then feeling confident to get involved. We regulars have to keep the banter going, in the hope of enticing those first postings from new members.

Certainly George, you can use as much or as little of the comments as you want.

"When the royalties start pouring in...."   ;)  ;)

Laurie  :D


--- Quote ---When the royalties start pouring in
--- End quote ---
Ah yes. Postings may be limited from this guy, but yes, I'll authorise the royalties from a beach on the Carribean  ;D :)


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