Suppliers > Plant Suppliers

Demo for Farmyard Nurseries, Wales, UK

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I'm appealing for a photo.

I would like the user to be presented with a photo as soon as they start Flower Genie and access the Farmyard catalog.
The software presents the first plant in the database, beginning with A
In the case of Farmyard, that plant is:
Abelia 'Confetti'

Does anyone have a photo of this plant. If not, a photo of any Abelia would do for purposes of the demo, and if it is taken further, we can change it to the real thing.
I have photos somewhere of my own Abelia x grandiflora. While I'm hunting, perhaps someone could oblige.
If you can help, please email to

I have an abelia grandiflora in my garden (still a little one). Can you use a picture of it? Its discrete flowering has nearly ended.

Yes please Andre, it will do the job, I'm sure.

Please send to

I have one in my garden, and I did take photos. I spent a long time last night searching for it - unsuccessfully.

Ive done some surfing on the web and have been amused by the findings.
Have a look at this very good web page:
You'll find it referred to as:
Abelia 'Confetti' Syn.: Abelia 'Conti'

Here it is in its correct FULL name:
Abelia × grandiflora Confetti = 'Conti' (PBR) (v)

Note that the cultivar name is 'Conti'
The Trade designation is Confetti. This should NOT be put into single quotes.

Conti and Confetti are one and the same plant, and NOT a synonym.

Go on the net, and check it out. You'll find very good examples of the confusion that this Trade Designation system generates!

Tip: If your stuck for a correct name, go directly to the RHS Plant Finder on line.
Have fun!


--- Quote from: ideasguy on July 31, 2006, 12:16:00 PM ---Yes please Andre, it will do the job, I'm sure.

Please send to

I have one in my garden, and I did take photos. I spent a long time last night searching for it - unsuccessfully.

--- End quote ---

George, I take it for granted it were the pictures you were looking for during the night and not the plant itself?? Plants dancing around and playing hide-and-seek are a very rare phenomenon.
I'll send the photo wednesday afternoon


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