Plants > Acer

Identify this Acer


Received this email from a Mr K Allan living in Germany:

This acer is not yet in a garden as we have moved to Germany. Hopefully soon it will find a new home.
Meanwhile, could you please help with the possible variety as I cannot remember.
Its 2MB, sorry, I did not compress it to keep the quality and detail.

I had to reduce it to allow it to be published on this forum. Its very good quality, so hopefully will be good enough to allow ID
(When I get a few minutes, I'll cut a piece form the photo to make a  close up of the leaves and stems and post it here)

Any suggestions?

It looks very like Shirasawanum Aureum from a distance

I agree. Its a bit "green" though?
Heres a close up of the leaves and stems

and a link to (perhaps) the same variety on Billy' site:

Definitely Aureum :)

Thanks Billy.

I have invited the person who sent the photo to look in to the forum. Acer lovers are welcome!


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