Our Gardens > My Garden

Eric & Anthea's garden at different times of year.

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Eric Hardy:
For the moment I will just load a few flower photos taken from January to April in our house and garden. These are from previous years I have not taken many this year. Later in the year I will post summer and autumn flowers.

Winter Jasmine (Jasminium Nudiflorum)


Crocus Tommasinianus (?)










Snake's head fritillary

Magnolia Stellata

Magnolia x Soulangiana

Magnolia x Soulangiana

I hope you enjoy them

Eric H

A lovely set of photos again there Eric, beautiful detail.

Do you have any names to go with each of them?

I recognise a few but not all of them.


Eric Hardy:
Thank you Laurie.

As you know I joined this forum via Bank Genie. I am not a knowledgeable gardener when it comes to names. My father was the opposite, he knew the latin name of every plant in his garden, but I didn't inherit that knack  :(. I have done my best to add some names to my post but, although I know "Narcissus" covers them all I cannot name them. One with a small cup I call a narcissus and one with a large cup I call a daffodil . A lily is a lily and an orchid is an orchid and that's about it!!  I suppose if I had got involved with this forum years ago (had it existed) I would have documented our plants more efficiently. I haven't installed Plant Genie on my computer, do you think I should? Would it help?

If you can tell me more about any of the flowers I have posted I will gladly add the detail.

Eric H

PS Anthea is better at names than I am. The trouble is we are both getting a bit forgetful in our old age and a name that would readily come to mind a few years ago we struggle to remember :(

Thank you for doing that Eric.

Don't feel badly about not knowing all the names - very few people do anyway.  ;)  That could be a challenge to our members to name the ones you don't know.  :)

Kathy is more knowledgeable than I am, so I'm just getting 'into it' really.

I have learnt more from interacting on the Forum and also by using IG Pro.
Entering plant names into our database makes plant names stick in your memory more easily, because you're actually making yourself deal with them.

So, to answer your question - yes, I think it would be a good idea to install Plant Genie on your computer.  You can assign specific garden areas in the program and list the plants you have in each area.  Also, you can add your own photographs to your plant database for a visual reminder.
You'll then get a better feel for your plant names - both the Common Name and the Latin name.

George will be able to better guide you through any obstacles you may encounter during this process, but we're all here to help as best we can anyway.


P.S.  I can name Photo 13 for you - Snake's head fritillary.  Kathy planted this in our garden last year, but as yet we've not had a showing.  :(

Eric Hardy:
Thanks, Laurie.

I had a feeling it was Snake's head fritillary but I didn't feel confident enough to label it as such.

Eric H


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