General Category > Garden Funnies


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I'm glad I'm not responsible for THAT software ;D Such strange behavior!!

Ive posted the forum link to Julian and Tara and both visited the forum and were able to play it perfectly.

Upside down?
You may recall that Eric (Hardy) reported that very same problem on the other two videos.
Perhaps you folk have the Australian versions installed :D ;D
Seriously, a little challenge for us to find a solution to that one :)

I'm glad you can see them Toby. I tried the volume control when I was playing with it originally (its visible on a little toolbar somewhere when you run the video).
I couldn't get it to increase either :(
Update: In Quicktime, you have menu options File, Edit, View, Window, Help.
Click Window. Click Show A/V controls. Under Audio, you can adjust the volume.


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