Ideas Genie Pro > General discussion

GA037 Database Explorer


Trevor Ellis:
If anyone hasn't checked out the upgrades of late George has come up with a cracker that's well worth the minute or so to download. It's GA037 Database Explorer. This is a brilliant addition to the system and will give a lot a flexibility.  It's great to be able to record photographically the sometimes enormous changes that take place say of an individual rose flower from it's bud stage through to petal fall and flip through these in the new program. Same obviously with any garden area. It's effectively Like having a time lapse facility. Fantastic - thanks very much indeed Georg. It really is an excellent addition to IGP.

Thank you for your encouraging comments Trevor. That single comment makes all the hard work worth while!

GA037 is the mirror image of FG037 in Flower Genie.
I asked a young IT colleague (who had just moved into his first house and was selecting plants for his garden) what gardening software would be of most interest to him.
We established that he would like to explore a ready and easily navigated source of plants, with a LITTLE data about each plant, and a decent photo of each plant.
The program I developed to meet the specifications was FG037 and it forms the core of Flower Genie.

As you have rightly noted, the real fun from using the program is when you have lots of photos.
Hence my obsession with the Master Database and building up a photo collection to go with it.
Ive developed the software so that the Master Database can be used with both Flower Genie and IG Pro.

I hope this has inspired you and others to get those plants keyed up and linked to your photos. Enjoy!


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