Our Gardens > My Garden

Favourite view

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This is my favourite view of part of the garden

I can see why! It looks real good. Thanks for posting.
I think I can see a fine specimen of what we call Pampas grass in the background. What else are you growing?

It looks like you have a nice open garden there, so very suitable for those alpines.

The grass in the background is actually a very tall Miscanthus though which one I can never remember.
The foregrouind is what we call the Sedum Scree. It was full of various forms of Sedum, obviously though a Lithospernum (not called that now though) zahnii is the white blob in the middle and there are a lot of self seeded Pulsatilla vulgaris in there now.

I did start listing the plants we grow for another site once, but since at the time I had over 200 sempervivums and a simillar number of sedum, before I got on to the rest of the garden with 100 plus Clematis etc. I got fed up and stopped.

You just might get encouraged to re-start that project Eric!

I have a question for you about Pulsatilla vulgaris
I have the species mauve and the Ruby. I have tried a number of times to grow the alba (white) variety, but in every case, it does not overwinter. Do you have the alba?  Any tips?

We have a white P. vulgaris which self seeds as much as the other colours, though the plants vary in colour quite considerably from red to white.   I find the white a very pale pink rather than a pure colour.  It must be inherently weaker in constitution than the others as it does seem to die out quicker. No tips on growing them though, they just seed all over the place. Now if you can tell me how to get P. grandis to set seed I would be grateful! Or maybe how to keep P. nuttallii to flowering size? Or best of all send me fresh viable seed of P. alpina sulphurea......... ;D :D ;D


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