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This grassy plant appeared out of nowhere last year.
Its rather pretty, but I'm suspicious.
Any idea what it is?
Dont be confused by the strap like leaves just behind it (a Day Lilly)

I cleared all the dead Narcissus leaves from this area today, and there it was.


Check out Briza maxima, an annual grass.

Thats it Eric, thank you so much.

Ive surfed on that name and the odd thing is, I haven't located any photos showing anything like the "spike" in my second photo.
Is it a stage in its growth cycle?
Theres only one spike, and unfortunately I cut it accidentally.
Last year there were numerous spikes.

Next question. It self seeds, but does it self seed badly?

Never grown it so no idea about 'weediness' sorry.
The spike could be from another grass, there is one called Hare's Tail (cannot remeber the proper name at present) which has similar flower spikes.


--- Quote from: ideasguy on June 28, 2009, 10:07:42 AM ---Thats it Eric, thank you so much.

Ive surfed on that name and the odd thing is, I haven't located any photos showing anything like the "spike" in my second photo.
Is it a stage in its growth cycle?
Theres only one spike, and unfortunately I cut it accidentally.
Last year there were numerous spikes.

Next question. It self seeds, but does it self seed badly?

--- End quote ---

the spike could be Hordeum jubatum squirrel tail grass

briza maxima

briza media


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