What we do when we are not gardening > Creative Writing

Yet another book


At it again.
Still got 3 or 4 more manuscripts ready to go. Blame Covid!
The story is further down the page here.

Eric, you are simply prolific!
I'll have a read over the link over the next few days (more football etc - the young uns!!)

I'm sure you spent a lot of time gardening as well during Covid!
Did you manage to escape it?
We did until 4 weeks ago. I caught it first from a visit to hospital and of course Mary then caught it as well.
We both had had our boosters 2 weeks prior to that so it seems that made it less severe.
I got over it quickly but Mary took a chest infection and needed an antibiotic. She is over the chest infection but is still very weak.

Neither of us have had it (Bows to Hubris), but then we have assiduously avoided everyone since it began.
Had the booster and flu jabs last week. Also had the anti-pneumonia one.
To a large extent I have given up on the garden. There is little pleasure in it these days.

I can understand how you feel!
In N.Ireland, this "summer" has been atrocious Eric. The grass, hedges and shrubs loved it and grow with abandon since I cant get enough dry days to deal with them.
Cutting wet grass is really unpleasant but it was the only way. I cant remember when the grass was nice and dry!
Anyway, it gives you more time to do what you really seem to love - writing!

Despite the amount of rain we are supposed to have had, our soil is dry 2 inches down and we have lost more things to drought this year than drowning.
Writing is proving difficult as I have no ideas at the moment.


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