General Category > Welcome, and introduce yourself



Hello my name is John and I'm a 69 year old pensioner with some knowledge of computers. In fact when computers were as big as houses, I did an evening class for a year in 1967 for the Institute of Book keeping and Data Processing to try and find out about them. How things have changed since those days!
Anyway I recently bought Bank Genie Pro 4 having lost my Money program to Windows 10. The support from George has been terrific and the program is much better than the trials I had with some of the US based ones and even the Which recommended best buys were not up to my idea of Best!
I've asked George to have a look at trying to make the program forecast several years ahead so that I can see when my money will run out, if ever.

and welcome from me too. I will not give away my age :-) but my first computing course was in 1960!


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