Garden Magazines > Magazine articles by our members

Chrissie Harten's column in Garden News


Did you know Chrissie has a regular column in Garden News? ( a UK weekly magazine)
Ive just received a backdated 28th February issue in the post, direct from Garden Answers (all part of the EMAP group).
Looking forward to reading it later. First impressions? Its a great magazine! Not a glossy, like Garden Answers, but great content.

The column is based on tales from Chrissies garden. If you go along to her website, you'll find she has plenty of tales to relate!

The title of the article in 28th Feb issue is "Colours are cold comfort", on P21.
To quote:

--- Quote ---The cold weather does have its compensations - it brings out beautiful colouring in some plants
--- End quote ---
So, now you know the theme!

Chrissie tale begins by relating the damage done in her garden with a heavy snow fall earlier in Feb. (Fortunately, we missed that in Ireland - we had a mere sprinkling)

As always, Chrissie has lots of interesting plants to tell us about. I'm going to check out the ones mentioned in this article.
More later?

Matter of interest - do any of our members read this magazine?

P.S. Theres another bonus - theres a photo of the great lady in the magazine!


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