Seed Exchange > Seed to share

Jacob's Ladder


I swapped my hugh jar of home collected all white sweetpeas for a mini bag of Jacob's Ladder seeds via an American site. Each year I tried to grow them hoping to make an exotic 'swing-along-a-Max neck thingy....Ha! Not one seed has shown it'self in the 3 years I've attempted it. Seed swapping is dangerous to blood pressure. Me thinks he boiled 'em prior to shipment!
I hope he likes his / my sweetpeas!

Here's hoping there are more honest people on this site.

You seem to know your horticultural history, Ken. Boiling the seeds was a tric used by the Chinese in the 19the century to protect their home market.

I'll try one last time this year, maybe the seeds after 3 years are no good anyway. This time I'll try chilliing them for a week and then break the dormancy.

Perhaps stratification and putting the bag in the refrigerator?

Did stratification first time round. No joy. I would not think chilling a requirement seeing as the plant is a warm climate grower, still, it's worth a try.


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